technological research

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technological research da Mind Map: technological research

1. Types of research

1.1. The basic one is also called: theoretical, pure or dogmatic is characterized because part of the theoretical framework remains in it, and its purpose is to formulate new theories or modify existing theories.

1.2. Applied, it is also named: practical or empirical, in this the application or use of the acquired knowledge is sought, the applied research is closely linked to the basic one. In the basic one, the theoretical framework is used, but in the applied one it is mainly the practical consequences, but if in an investigation we use these two (theoretical-practical), the investigation is called Mixed.

1.3. According to the means to obtain data: 1. Documentary 2. Field or experimental

1.4. Documentary: it is made using documentary sources (bibliography, hemerography, archival) books Essays, magazines or newspapers Letters, trades, circulars Field or experimental: this is supported by: interviews, surveys, questionnaires, observations.

1.5. For the level of knowledge acquired: 1. Exploratory 2. Descriptive 3. Explanatory

1.5.1. Exploratory: it is the one carried out with the purpose of highlighting fundamental aspects of a problem and thus finding procedures for further investigation. Descriptive: characterizes the object of study or specific situations, sorts, groups and systematizes the objects involved in the research. Explanatory: this requires linking the analytical and synthetic methods intertwined with the inductive and deductive, with this the answer of the reasons for the object investigated is achieved.

2. The Stages of the research methodology

2.1. 1st Stage: Problem Statement The first thing the researcher has to do is clarify and define his research problem well. There are three fundamental reasons for researchers to search for relevant information from the start: Justify the “originality of the problem”. Collect theoretical background to form a theoretical framework. Track methodologies and techniques applied by other researchers in the sector.

2.2. 2nd Stage: Obtaining the data The selection of the techniques required depends on the nature of the problem and the work methodology. Unfortunately, in many educational research situations, ad hoc instruments are not available. In this case, original instruments must be developed and validated, which involves successive stages of construction and testing of the instrument until it works properly. Once all the previous steps have been prepared, the field work is carried out, which simply consists of going out to the field to carry out the observations or collect the data that had been foreseen in the plan. This work is carried out by "field researchers or pollsters" who in the case of Memories and Seminars are the same students.

2.3. 3rd Stage: Information processing Each subject in the sample generates a certain amount of information, which should be accumulated in data sheets. or electronic forms. For ease of handling the accumulated data, these are coded with numbers, signs or letters.

2.4. 4th Stage: Data analysis and tests The interpretation of the results should be clear from the analysis of each table or graph that has been foreseen. The conclusions are supported by the results presented. The main result will be to demonstrate if the hypothesis is accepted or was falsified. Remember that a research paper only ends when the research report has been prepared, whose style and form.


3.1. A first characteristic of these methods is manifested in their strategy to try to know the facts, processes, structures and people in their entirety, and not through the measurement of some of their elements. The same strategy already indicates the use of procedures that give a unique character to the observations.

3.2. · The second characteristic is the use of procedures that make observations less comparable in time and in different cultural circumstances, that is, this method seeks less generalization and is closer to phenomenology and symbolic interactionism.

3.3. · A third important strategic characteristic for this work refers to the role of the researcher in his deal -intensive- with the people involved in the research process, to understand them.

3.4. · The investigator develops or affirms the guidelines and central problems of his work during the same investigation process. For this reason, the concepts that are used in qualitative research in most cases are not operationalized from the beginning of the research, that is, the indicators that will be taken into account during the research process are not defined from the start. . This feature refers to another very hot epistemological debate on the question of objectivity in social research.


4.1. For there to be a Quantitative Methodology, it is required that among the elements of the research problem there be a relationship whose Nature is linear. That is, that there is clarity between the elements of the research problem that make up the problem, that it is possible to define it, limit them and know exactly where the problem begins, in which direction it goes and what type of incidence exists among its elements.

5. The Research methodology is nothing more than the set of methods and techniques that are used during the process of an investigation.

5.1. An investigation is an activity that aims to obtain new knowledge that can lead to the solution of scientific problems. It can also be said that it is a set of procedures that is based on logical principles to achieve an objective. The method is the procedure and methodology is the study of the method.

6. Difference between quantitative and qualitative research

6.1. Qualitative research is related to inductive methods, quantitative research is related to deductive methods. Quantitative research collects and analyzes quantitative data on variables; qualitative avoids quantification. The quantitative studies the relationship between quantified variables and the qualitative one does it in structural contexts. Quantitative research determines the relationship strength between variables; the qualitative identifies the nature of realities, their dynamic structure. Quantitative research is more used due to the advancement of the scientific method, but it is also true that both complement each other.

7. bibliography

7.1. Passov, R. (2003). How Much Cash Does Your Company Need? Harvard Business Review, 81(11), 119–128. Retrieved from Kuada, J. E. (2012). Research Methodology : A Project Guide for University Students (pp 59-60). Frederiksberg C [Denmark]: Samfundslitteratur Press. Retrieved from

7.1.1. GHEŢA, I. M. (2017). Theoretical and Methodological Considerations Regarding the Evaluation of Intangible Assets. (pp 373–376). Contemporary Readings in Law & Social Justice, 9(2). Retrieved from Mc Manus, J. P. (2012). Intellectual Property : From Creation to Commercialisation: A Practical Guide for Innovators & Researchers. 16. Valuation of Intellectual Property. Oak Tree Press. Retrieved from Cohen, J. A. (2005). Intangible Assets : Valuation and Economic Benefit (pp 84-87). Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley. Retrieved from

7.2. Etapas de la metodología de la investigación
