Core Functions and Software used in Career & Internship Services

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Core Functions and Software used in Career & Internship Services da Mind Map: Core Functions and Software used in Career & Internship Services

1. Employer Relations

1.1. Handshake

1.1.1. Posting Jobs and Internships for our students 1918 student logins, 50 students active last week

1.2. CRM

1.2.1. Tracking Employer Relations interactions

2. Career & Internship Preparation / Student Employment

2.1. Vmock

2.1.1. Resume 885 students have used to improve resume score - part of CAR 299

2.1.2. LinkedIn 305 students have improved LinkedIn profile - part of CAR 299

2.1.3. Career Fit

2.2. Standout

2.2.1. Interview Practice 626 students have used for practice interviews

3. Alumni Networking and Mentoring

3.1. PeopleGrove (BCConnect)

3.1.1. Alumni Directory 939 users

3.1.2. Virtual Advising

3.1.3. Career Pathways

3.2. Background Software

4. Centralized Internship

4.1. Smartsheets

4.1.1. Internship Approval and Tracking

4.1.2. Project Management

4.2. Adobesign

4.2.1. Internship Agreements

5. Graduate Employment Data

5.1. Qualtrics

6. Key

6.1. Purchased by CES

6.2. Used across campus

6.3. Primary tool of Career Services