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Twitter PLN da Mind Map: Twitter PLN

1. AP Classes

1.1. @CollegeBoard. This is the official twitter for college board. They are the governing body for all AP courses. Since I teach AP Calculus is is important that I stay up to date with any curriculum, test or instructional changes.

1.2. @BigBearMath. This is an account that provides tons of video lessons and help over all things AP Calculus. This is a great resource for myself as well as a place I can direct my students to who are looking for extra support.

1.3. @TheJLV This is the twitter account of Jose Vilson. He provides insights into how to reach our minority students. He is a huge advocate for this group of students and teachers and gives his thoughts on how we can better support them. This is extremely important for me as I work to become a more culturally responsive math teacher.

1.4. @APforStudents. This is a college board official account that is geared toward students. It provides important dates, study sessions, extra help and support. Although this is student oriented it is good for me to be able to point them towards this resource and specific tweets that will apply to them.

1.5. @Freecalctutor. This page is full of calculus practice and solutions. I can use this improve my lessons, extra practice for students and prepare for AP exams.

2. Coaching HS Athletics

2.1. @TCPuma11, This is Tom Cantrell, my college baseball coach from the University of North Georgia. He provides quality instructional tools, recruiting advice as well as inspiration for other coaches. He is a great man who I look to for guidance as a coach and leader of young men.

2.2. @OfficialGHSA. This is the page for all GHSA sports. They provide links to things like rule updates for all sports as well as clinics and other learning opportunities for coaches and teams.

2.3. @GACACoaches. This is the Georgia Athletic Coaches Association. They keep coaches informed of all high school sporting events in Georgia. They also provide lessons on things like creating a positive team environment and a culture of success in your program.

2.4. @Coachsullivan15. This twitter page is all about better coaching. It provides articles and conversation about today's high school athlete and what we can do to best reach all of our players both on and off the field.

2.5. @CoachDeggs28. This is the twitter account of Matt Deggs. He is the head baseball coach at Louisiana Lafayette and an incredible speaker and to today's athlete and coach. He is always talking about how to grow young men and the core values of successful people and programs.

3. High School Mathematics

3.1. @NCTM. This is the official account for the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. This account provides support for math teachers across all subject areas. It provides instructional help, test support, community and innovation for all math teachers.

3.2. @MathEdLeaders. This account provides professional learning opportunities to teachers in every stage of their career. Their goal is to help teachers improve student achievement. It is important to be connected to new ideas and innovative teaching strategies to best support all students.

3.3. @desmos. Desmos is an online graphing tool that I use all the time in my class. Being connected through twitter will keep me up to date on features and uses of desmos. It is an excellent instructional technology tool so keeping up with their twitter can help me to better utilize this in my classroom.

3.4. @illustratemath. The goal of this account is to inspire young minds to explore mathematics. They want to help create unique and exciting learning opportunities to show students the value of mathematics. This could be useful for me in developing mathematical discourse in my classroom.

3.5. @mburnsmath. This is the twitter account of Marilyn Burns. She is best known for her blog where she strives to create learning opportunities that students will enjoy and help teachers overcome challenges in the math classroom. She is an excellent resource and often writes about issues that I face everyday in my teaching.