Housing Vision Statement Brainstorm

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Housing Vision Statement Brainstorm da Mind Map: Housing Vision Statement Brainstorm

1. Adulting

1.1. Life skills

2. Helping connect students

3. Developing people

4. Provide students that interact with our department with a foundation for holistic development of people and community

5. Approachable, Welcoming environment - Providing comfort, help, caring and support; Belonging

5.1. Second home

5.2. Home away from home

5.3. No one is lost

6. Want to provide consistency

6.1. Our established work, product, experience...

7. Accessibility

7.1. Building rapport

7.2. Building relationships in positive ways not just connecting with students in negative ways or when something bad happens

8. Wholistic Development

9. Should be aspirational, inspiring

10. Citizenship


11.1. Our work is far more effective w relationships in place

12. Leave students in a better place than when they started

12.1. What's that mean...

12.2. OK to be ambiguous here?

13. Little lessons of the experiences provided: Value of... Impact in our work to change students

14. Aspiration: Reach every student

15. Creating future leaders

15.1. Instilling in our students and student leaders is what we want to see in future societal leaders

15.2. Building a foundation to personal leadership style

15.3. Introduction to personal leadership

15.4. Foundation Holistic development

15.5. Is this the right/best term? connotations of 'leader'

16. Aspire to help students learn and grow to move on to bigger things

17. mindful of the language that we use

17.1. Wholistic development

18. Accountability

18.1. For the institution

19. Enjoyable, comfortable, helpful

19.1. For students

20. How do we not become institutionalized? Remain connected to students...

21. Connection to mission and values; Vision should complement our other materials...

22. Development v. service. v. worldly contribution...

22.1. How do these all tie together?

22.2. One concept to capture this?

23. Doing the best w students for the time we have them...

24. Must answer: 1. What does success look like? 2. What will be different? 3. Time frame?