A flow chart representing the five stages of the ADDIE design model. Created by Bridget Manley for LDT200x on July 24, 2020.

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ADDIE da Mind Map: ADDIE

1. The action items for each stage were inspired largely by a 5-part series on ADDIE published on the eLearning Industry blog. I also drew from my own experience in designing and developing courses.

2. 🤔Analysis

2.1. Definition: Consider all the variables that will shape your course

2.2. 💪🏼 Actions

2.2.1. Identify the end goals

2.2.2. Describe the characteristics of the target audience

2.2.3. Consider the limitations (budget, technology, etc.) Source: Treser, M. (2015, August 16). "Getting to know ADDIE: Part 1 -Analysis." E-learning Industry. Retrieved from Getting To Know ADDIE: Part 1 - Analysis - eLearning Industry

2.3. ❔ Guiding questions

2.3.1. Who are the learners, and why are they taking this course?

2.3.2. What special accommodations, if any, will they need to complete the course?

2.3.3. What knowledge and skills will they gain from the course?

2.3.4. What business goal are we trying to reach (e.g., increased employee retention, more sales, less waste, etc.)? Is training the best solution to reach that goal? Source: Treser, M. (2015, August 16). "Getting to know ADDIE: Part 1 -Analysis." E-learning Industry. Retrieved from Getting To Know ADDIE: Part 1 - Analysis - eLearning Industry

2.4. 📋 Deliverables

2.4.1. Needs analysis

2.4.2. Training plan Source: Quigley, E. (2019, October 3). "ADDIE: 5 steps to effective training." LearnUpon. Retrieved from ADDIE: 5 Steps To Effective Training Courses | LearnUpon

3. ✅ Evaluation

3.1. Definition: Assess course effectiveness and identify areas for improvement

3.2. 💪 Actions

3.2.1. Deploy surveys to gather learner feedback

3.2.2. Analyze students' final test scores

3.2.3. Gather data on how learners' behavior changed as a result of training Source: Treser, M. (2015, September 30). "Getting to know ADDIE: Part 5 - Evaluation." eLearning Industry. Retrieved from Getting To Know ADDIE: Part 5 - Evaluation - eLearning Industry RESOURCE: Kirkpatrick Model of Training Evaluation: The Kirkpatrick Model Of Training Evaluation And Learning Analytics -

3.3. ❔ Guiding questions

3.3.1. Did the course meet the learning objectives and business goals we identified in the Analysis phase?

3.3.2. Did the course result in meaningful behavior change?

3.3.3. Was the course a valuable investment?

3.3.4. What aspects of the course didn't work and why? How can we fix those problems in the next iteration?

3.3.5. Should we continue to use this course or develop a new one? Source: Treser, M. (2015, September 30). "Getting to know ADDIE: Part 5 - Evaluation." eLearning Industry. Retrieved from Getting To Know ADDIE: Part 5 - Evaluation - eLearning Industry

3.4. 📋 Deliverables

3.4.1. Course evaluation report

3.4.2. Recommendations for next steps (e.g, improve course or discontinue course and create a new one)

3.4.3. Course improvement plan (if applicable) Quigley, E. (2019, October 3). "ADDIE: 5 steps to effective training." LearnUpon. Retrieved from ADDIE: 5 Steps To Effective Training Courses | LearnUpon

4. 👩🏽‍🎓 Implementation

4.1. Definition: Release the finished course

4.2. 💪🏿 Actions

4.2.1. Train the trainers

4.2.2. Prepare the learners

4.2.3. Set up the learning environment (classroom, LMS, online discussion boards, etc.)

4.2.4. Present the course to learners Source: Treser, M. (2015, September 11). "Getting to know ADDIE: Part 4 - Implementation." eLearning Industry. Retrieved from Getting To Know ADDIE: Part 4 - Implementation - eLearning Industry

4.3. ❔ Guiding questions

4.3.1. Where will the learning take place?

4.3.2. Were the instructors part of the analysis, design, and/or development phases? If not, what do they need to know to teach the course?

4.3.3. What hardware, software and other equipment do learners need to complete the course (e.g., headphones, microphone, social media accounts, etc.)?

4.3.4. What technical skills will learners need? How do we help them acquire these skills before the course starts? Treser, M. (2015, September 11). "Getting to know ADDIE: Part 4 - Implementation." eLearning Industry. Retrieved from Getting To Know ADDIE: Part 4 - Implementation - eLearning Industry

4.4. 📋 Deliverables

4.4.1. Training materials for instructors

4.4.2. Course orientation materials for learners

4.4.3. Course modules loaded into LMS (if applicable) Quigley, E. (2019, October 3). "ADDIE: 5 steps to effective training." LearnUpon. Retrieved from ADDIE: 5 Steps To Effective Training Courses | LearnUpon

5. 🔨Development

5.1. Definition: Build the course

5.2. 💪🏾 Actions

5.2.1. Build a prototype and get stakeholder approval on it

5.2.2. Develop course materials and assessments

5.2.3. Conduct quality assurance testing

5.2.4. Improve course using feedback from QA testing Source: Treser, M. (2015, September 3). "Getting to know ADDIE: Part 3 - Development." eLearning Industry. Getting To Know ADDIE: Part 3 - Development - eLearning Industry

5.3. ❔ Guiding questions

5.3.1. How can we incorporate multimedia to make the course more interesting and accessible?

5.3.2. What main aspects of the course do we need to show to stakeholders in the prototype?

5.3.3. Does the course meet the objectives we identified in the Analysis phase?

5.3.4. How will end users interact with the course? Treser, M. (2015, September 3). "Getting to know ADDIE: Part 3 - Development." eLearning Industry. Getting To Know ADDIE: Part 3 - Development - eLearning Industry

5.4. 📋 Deliverable:

5.4.1. Finished course

6. 📐Design

6.1. Definition: Create a road map for course development

6.2. 💪🏻 Actions

6.2.1. Choose the appropriate course format

6.2.2. Decide which learning activities to use

6.2.3. Select assessment methods

6.2.4. Organize the course content Source: Treser, M. (2015, August 24). "Getting to know ADDIE: Part 2 - Design." eLearning Industry. Retrieved from Getting To Know ADDIE: Part 2 - Design - eLearning Industry

6.3. ❔ Guiding questions

6.3.1. What learning format is best for this material (online, in-person, blended)?

6.3.2. What basic knowledge must learners acquire before they can grasp more complex topics?

6.3.3. What instructional methods will we use (lectures, readings, videos, handouts, etc.)?

6.3.4. What will learners do to practice the skills and/or apply the knowledge they learn? Source: Treser, M. (2015, August 24). "Getting to know ADDIE: Part 2 - Design." eLearning Industry. Retrieved from Getting To Know ADDIE: Part 2 - Design - eLearning Industry

6.4. 📋 Deliverables

6.4.1. Course design plan

6.4.2. Storyboard Source: Quigley, E. (2019, October 3). "ADDIE: 5 steps to effective training." LearnUpon. Retrieved from ADDIE: 5 Steps To Effective Training Courses | LearnUpon