Who was more responsible for Thibaw's Accession? Hsinbyumashin or the Royal Princes?

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Who was more responsible for Thibaw's Accession? Hsinbyumashin or the Royal Princes? da Mind Map: Who was more responsible for Thibaw's Accession? Hsinbyumashin or the Royal Princes?

1. Conflict over throne

1.1. Political Rivalry during Mindon's last day

1.1.1. Mindon did not have a named successor The royal princes wanted the throne for themselves

2. Royal Princes

2.1. Assassinated Kanaung,the named successor

2.1.1. Vacated the spot of crown prince Enabled Thibaw to be named king.

3. Hsinbyumashin's contributions

3.1. Named thibaw as a puppet king in order to gain power for herself

3.1.1. Married her daughter off to thibaw Made thibaw king after Mindon's death

3.2. Eliminated Opposition and rivalry by executing all the royal princes.

3.2.1. Massacre at Mandalay Palace 1878 Eliminated any opposition to Thibaw's accession and secured his place as a king.

4. Background

4.1. Hsinbyumashin had no son.

4.1.1. She had to choose thibaw as puppet king

4.2. Thibaw was a minor prince

4.2.1. He lived as a monk for most of his life Had no political knowledge Made him the perfect target for Hsinbyumashin to choose a puppet king.

4.2.2. He could not refuse Hsinbyumashin's order as he was a minor prince