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Psychology da Mind Map: Psychology

1. Freud: "hysteria & neurosis"

1.1. The unconscious mind was a repository of feelings and urges of which we have no awareness (Psychology 2e).

1.2. Psychoanalytic theory: focuses on the role of a person's unconscious and childhood (Psychology 2e).

1.3. Current practices involve examining unconscious aspects of the self and relationships (Psychology 2e).

2. Wertheimer, Koffka, Kohler

2.1. Gestalt: "whole" a sensory experience can be broken down into individual parts, how those parts relate to each other as a whole is what the individual responds to in perception (Psychology 2e).

3. Pavlov, Watson, Skinner

3.1. Behaviorism

3.1.1. Used in behaviorist and cognitive behavioral therapy

3.2. Concerned about conscious experiences

3.3. Focused on observable behavior

3.4. Skinner: how behavior is affected by consequences

3.4.1. skinner box, chamber

4. Cognitive Revolution

4.1. Noam Chomsky

4.2. Reestablished lines of communication between European psychologists and their American counterparts

5. Washburn: The Animal Mind

5.1. Standard in the field for 20 years (Psychology 2e).

6. Biopsychology

6.1. How biology influences behavior

7. Cognitive Psychology

7.1. studying thoughts

8. Personality Psychology

8.1. patterns of thoughts and behaviors that make us unique

8.2. Measures personality traits

9. Clinical Psychology

9.1. Focus on emotions, social, vocational and health-related outcomes of individuals

10. Wilhelm Wundt's use of introspection and teaching of one of his students to develop structuralism.

10.1. Principles of Physiological Psycology and Volkerpsychologie

11. William James: 1st American Psychologist

11.1. Natural selection leads to organisms that are adapted to their environment, including behavior (Psychology 2e).

11.2. Functionalism: how mental activities helped an organism fit into its environment (Psychology 2e).

12. Maslow, Rogers

12.1. Humanism: potential for good

12.1.1. Influenced many scholars & used in psycho-therapeutic settings (Psychology 2e).

12.2. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

12.3. Rogers: therapists need 3 features to maximize therapeutic approaches (Psychology 2e).

13. Cross cultural psychologists comparing participants

14. APA

14.1. Advanced the scientific orientation of psychology (Psychology 2e).

15. Sensation & Perception

15.1. How sensory works within areas of sensation and perception

16. Developmental Psychology

16.1. development across a lifespan

17. Biopsychosocial Model

17.1. helping individuals achieve better health through public policy, education and research (Psychology 2e)