BioArt: "Life-like to life"

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BioArt: "Life-like to life" da Mind Map: BioArt: "Life-like to life"

1. Life: 1. (Micro)organisms

1.1. bacteria:YI

1.2. cow: Rauschenberg

1.3. Seraceno: spider

1.4. ants

1.5. Animals

2. Life: 2. Senses

2.1. "OTHERS"

2.2. Greenberg neglected

3. Debates: Postmodernism

3.1. "Backgrounded"neglected area of humanism

3.1.1. Postmodern Animal

4. Life: 3. (Invisible) Energy

4.1. Gravity: Richard Serra

4.2. Temperature

4.3. Air

5. Life-like: 1. Biomorphism

5.1. Surrealism

5.2. Microscopy

5.2.1. find sources

6. Life-like: 2. Kinetic sculptures

6.1. motion = illusion of agency, autonomy

7. Debates: Biopolitics, Biopower