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Present Perfect Tense da Mind Map: Present Perfect Tense

1. When do we use?

2. Sam has worked here for seven years.

3. many situations

4. example

5. 3. To describe accomplishments.

6. Man has been to the moon.

7. 4. A continuing action that started in the past.

8. 1. To describe an experience

9. I have travelled the world.

10. 2. To describe a change over a period of time.

11. The restaurant has become very popular.

12. "Has she/he/it"..?

13. "Have you/we/they"..?

14. conjugation

15. Have you visited New York?

16. example

17. Have + subject + past participle + object.

18. Interrogative

19. 1. Haven't - 2. Hasn't

20. contraction

21. He/She/It : "has not"

22. I/You/We/They : "have not"

23. conjugation

24. John has not fixed the sink.

25. example

26. Subject + have + not + past participle + object.

27. Affirmative

28. Subject + have + past participle + object.

29. I/You/We/They : "have"

30. I have cooked dinner.

31. example

32. FORM

33. conjugation

34. He/She/It : has

35. Negative