Present Perfect Simple Tense

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Present Perfect Simple Tense da Mind Map: Present Perfect Simple Tense

1. Forms

1.1. Afirmative

1.1.1. Subject + Have + Past Participle + Object

1.2. Negative

1.2.1. Subject + Have + Not + Past Participle + Object

1.3. Interrogative

1.3.1. Have + Subject + Past Participle + Object?

2. Conjugation

2.1. Have

2.1.1. I, You, We, They

2.2. Has

2.2.1. He, She

3. Uses

3.1. To describe an experience

3.2. To describe a change over a period of time

3.3. To describe accomplishments

3.4. A continuing action that started in the past

4. Examples

4.1. Have you seen the film?

4.2. We have not seen the film

4.3. I have seen the film