Chinese Rights Activist!!!

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Chinese Rights Activist!!! da Mind Map: Chinese Rights Activist!!!

1. Clothing

1.1. Distinctive clothing

1.2. Men have long hair

1.3. blue padded jackets

1.4. Big hats

1.5. white socks for digging

2. Treatment of the Chinese

2.1. Criticised for stealing gold

2.2. Discriminated

2.3. Abused

3. What they brought

3.1. Art

3.2. Technology

3.3. Food

3.4. Culture

3.5. All of it is good

4. How the other miners were affected

4.1. the were angry

4.2. they were threatened

5. Equipment

5.1. Bamboo poles with baskets on each end

5.2. different tools from other miners

6. Arrival

6.1. Big groups

6.1.1. Associated

6.2. Taxes - 10 pounds/$1240

6.2.1. 1 pound for `protection'

7. Our feelings

7.1. they are smart, honest and hard-working

7.2. we don't judge

7.3. we don't like how they are treated

8. How we treat them

8.1. we are nice to them

8.2. we help them whenever we can