Present Perfect Continuous

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Present Perfect Continuous da Mind Map: Present Perfect Continuous

1. Estructura Afrimativa

1.1. Sujeto+have / has been+verbo (-ing)

1.1.1. I have been listening to music all day.

1.1.2. She/ He has been listening ti music all day.

1.1.3. We/You/They have been listening ti music all day.

2. Estructura Negativa

2.1. Sujeto+ haven´t/hasn´+been+verbo(ing)

2.1.1. I haven´t been working here long.

2.1.2. She/he hasn´t been working here long.

2.1.3. We/you/they haven´t been working here long.

3. Estructura Interrogativa

3.1. Have/has+ sujeto+been+verbo(ing)

3.1.1. Have i been studying enough for the exam?

3.1.2. Has she/he been studying enough for the exam?

3.1.3. Have you/they/we been studying enough for the exam?

4. El Present Perfect Continuous se conjuga con el verbo auxiliarVerbo auxiliar ‘to have’, el participio pasado (Past ParticiplePast Participle) de ‘to be’ (→ been) y el Present Participle (participio presente) del verbo correspondiente.

4.1. Verbo auxiliar ‘have/has’ + ‘been’ + Present Participle (forma continua)Present Participle (forma continua) del verbo principal

5. El "present perfect continuous" está compuesto por dos elementos: el "present perfect" del verbo 'to be' (have/has been) y el "present participle" del verbo principal (raíz+ing).

6. Afirmativa

6.1. She has been She's been running.

7. Negativa

7.1. She hasn't been running.

8. Interrogativa

8.1. Has she been running?

9. Se usa el Present Perfect Continuous cuando se quiere destacar una acción, la cual comenzó en el pasado y todavía continúa: “She has been telling jokes all day.” (Ella está contando chistes todo el día.) “I’ve been waiting for the train for half an hour.” (Llevo esperando el tren desde hace media hora.)