First conditional & Second conditional Andrés Galarza-2C

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First conditional & Second conditional Andrés Galarza-2C da Mind Map: First conditional & Second conditional                              Andrés Galarza-2C

1. The first conditional has the condition and the consequence.

2. First conditional is used to talk about events that are likely to happen and their consequences

3. In first conditional we use when and soon as if we are sure the condition willl be met

4. IIn first conditional we can use until to refer to a point in time when something will change. We often use it to mean "before"

4.1. Examples: -Mum won´t serve dinner until you get home -She won´t do it unless you tell her to

5. The second conditional has a condition and the consequence, and either part can come first.

6. We use second conditional to talk about situations or events that are imaginary or hypothetical

7. We also use second conditional to talk about situations or events that are unlikely

8. We can use could/couldn´t in both parts of second conditional sentences

9. In second conditional we often use were instead of was in the condition or if part, especially in giving advice with the phrase If I were you

10. In second conditional we can also use adverbs and might to show that we think the consequences are not certain

11. In second conditional We can also use unless instead of if to mean "if.....not"