Acheron Let's Play

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Acheron Let's Play da Mind Map: Acheron Let's Play

1. Requirements

1.1. Skype / Teamspeak

1.2. Minecraft Premium

2. Notes

2.1. Times

2.2. If you are not chosen

2.3. Skype Vs. TeamSpeak

3. Steps

3.1. Step 1: Register

3.2. Step 2: Join the normal SMP as of like a pre lobby.

3.3. Step 3: qmarchi will post link in the chat AND in the Shoutbox

3.4. Step 4: Wait for qmarchi to call you or join the AG Teamspeak server

3.5. Step 5: join the server and wait for everybody else in the party.

3.6. step 6: Play Map and Enjoy.

4. Rules

4.1. No Hacks

4.2. No fighting

4.3. Everybody get a turn.