📈️ Stocks and Trading

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📈️ Stocks and Trading da Mind Map: 📈️ Stocks and Trading

1. 🥧️ Stock / Share

1.1. Stake/Ownership

1.2. Grouping

1.2.1. Sectors

1.2.2. Market Cap

2. 💸 Market Capitalization

3. ❓ Why are YOU trading?

4. 🏛 Stock Exchange

5. 💻 How to calculate returns

5.1. Dollar

5.2. Percentage

5.3. ⭐ R multiple

6. 👄 Jargon

6.1. Long and short

6.2. Bid and ask

6.3. Spread

6.3.1. Large cap vs small cap spreads

7. 🧾 Orders

7.1. Market order

7.2. Limit order

7.2.1. Trading against current momentum

7.3. Stop order

7.3.1. Enters trade with momentum

7.4. Stop loss

8. 👨‍💻 Analysis

8.1. Fundamental Analysis

8.1.1. Qualitative analysis Economic moat

8.1.2. Quantitative analysis Metrics Earnings and net income

8.2. Technical Analysis

8.2.1. Trend

8.2.2. Area of value 200 Moving Avg Support and Resistance Trendline

8.2.3. Entry trigger

9. 📊 Risk Management

9.1. Position sizing calculator