Ways products, services and environments are designed to meet community needs, including consider...

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Ways products, services and environments are designed to meet community needs, including consideration of sustainability (ACTDEK010) da Mind Map: Ways products, services and environments are designed to meet community needs, including consideration of sustainability (ACTDEK010)

1. Process and Production Skills in Design and Technology

1.1. Collaborating & managing

1.1.1. Test and evaluate peers' designs

1.1.2. Pair work throughout

1.2. Investigating & defining

1.2.1. Sustainable products

1.2.2. Issue of sustainability and reusable items

1.3. Designing

1.3.1. Design sustainable shopping bag

1.4. Producing & implementing

1.4.1. Create sustainable shopping bag using annotated design

1.5. Evaluating

1.5.1. Test and evaluate design (own and peers)

2. General Capabilities

2.1. Personal & Social Capability

2.1.1. Independent learners Direct learning

2.1.2. Develop social responsibility Empathy and respect for others through understanding decisions affect others (past and present)

2.1.3. Handle challenging situations constructively

2.1.4. Work effectively in teams Share resources and processes

2.2. Critical & Creative Thinking

2.2.1. Resourcefulness

2.2.2. Solve problems

2.2.3. Critically evaluate ideas

2.2.4. Innovation Consider how materials impact our lives and can be better designed and managed

2.2.5. Consider alternatives

2.2.6. Challenge problems

2.3. ICT

2.3.1. QR codes

2.3.2. Online research

2.3.3. Video resources

2.3.4. Use of PowerPoint presentations

2.3.5. Use of Microsoft Sway to create student portfolio

3. Safety

3.1. Hazards:

3.1.1. Cyber Safety Safe Research Not putting information out online

3.1.2. Equipment used

3.1.3. Management of students participating in activity

3.2. Adult supervision required:

3.2.1. When physically creating bag

3.2.2. Two additional adult helpers (parent volunteers)

3.3. CARA risk matrix - likelihood incident occurring:

3.3.1. Low Unlikely incident occurring Minor consequence if incident were to occur

3.4. Control measures:

3.4.1. Stations Equipment remains at station

3.4.2. Hot glue gun only operated by teacher/adult supervisor

3.4.3. Seated when creating - prevent injuries

4. Knowledge and Understanding in Design and Technology

4.1. Appropriateness of materials

4.2. Critiquing designed products

4.2.1. Establish factors that influence design

4.3. Using digital tech to investigate materials, components, tools and equipment

4.3.1. Impact in future

4.3.2. Characteristics

4.3.3. Properties

4.3.4. How can be used more sustainably

4.4. Explore factors (sustainability) that impact on the design of products, services and environments to meet community needs

4.5. Proposing improvements

4.6. Exploring and testing factors that impact on design decisions

5. How product will impact environment

5.1. Create alternative solution to single use plastic bags (reduce plastic waste).

5.2. Consideration made to materials chosen (students research and plan sustainable materials).

6. Cross-Curriculum Priorities

6.1. Sustainability

6.1.1. Anticipating and balancing impacts Economic Environmental Social

6.1.2. Preferred futures

6.2. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

6.2.1. Innovation Materials Technologies and practices to purposefully build/maintain cultural, community and economic capacity

7. Learning Areas

7.1. Design technology

7.1.1. Designing sustainable shopping bag

7.2. Digital technology

7.2.1. Sharing ideas

7.2.2. Research

7.3. Literacy

7.3.1. Expressing concept

7.4. HASS

7.4.1. Inquiry Skills

7.5. Geography

8. 3 Types of Thinking

8.1. Systems Thinking

8.1.1. Students investigate how the sustainability of items used to create plastic products (the components) have already impacted environment (the whole system).

8.2. Design Thinking

8.2.1. Students visualise and generate creative and innovative ideas when planning their design and analyse and evaluating those ideas.

8.3. Computational Thinking

8.3.1. Students organise data on the percentages of objects that contribute to plastic waste in Indonesia in a logical manner, using spreadsheets and charts.

9. Overarching Themes

9.1. Practical and functional product in 21st Century

9.2. Preferred futures (sustainable)