Design Terminology

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Design Terminology da Mind Map: Design Terminology

1. Sound

1.1. non diegetic

1.2. diegetic

1.3. dialogue

1.4. Beethoven


1.6. volume

1.6.1. Live Pre-recorded

1.7. orchestra

1.8. speakers

2. Set and props

2.1. tent

2.2. bed

2.3. crates

2.4. diary

2.5. clocks were invented in the 14th century

2.5.1. pocket watch?

2.6. bottles

2.7. parchment

2.8. bible

2.8.1. lecturn The Cross

3. Lighting

3.1. floodlight

3.2. Frensel

3.3. Strobe

3.4. Parcan

3.5. LED

3.5.1. Spotlight

3.6. Gels

3.7. On-stage-lamp

3.8. Specials

3.9. Birdie

3.10. Barn doors

3.11. Gobo

3.12. Cyclorama

3.13. words to describe lighting

3.13.1. intensity

3.13.2. angle

3.13.3. beam

3.13.4. focus

3.13.5. dim

3.13.6. fade cross-fade

3.13.7. blackout

3.13.8. colour

3.13.9. wash

3.14. specials

3.14.1. lantern candle

3.15. projection

4. Costume

4.1. blazer

4.1.1. red

4.1.2. blue

4.2. britches

4.3. linen

4.3.1. Cotton Dirty colours: cream, browns

4.4. fabric

4.4.1. burlap

4.4.2. hessian

4.5. tricorn hat

4.6. texture

4.6.1. rough

4.6.2. frayed

4.6.3. ragged