Modal verbs of deduction

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Modal verbs of deduction da Mind Map: Modal verbs of deduction

1. The car is losing power, there must be something wrong

2. They are eating the soup, it could taste good

3. Utilizziamo i verbi modali di deduzione per esprimere considerazioni logiche

3.1. A deduction is a guess about something. It probably answers an unexpressed question.

4. Utilizziamo Must per esprimere che qualcosa è vero perché abbiamo prove solide (strong evidence)

5. Utilizziamo may, might and could per esprimere che qualcosa è probabile (we aren't sure)

5.1. She isn't answering to the phone, she may be at work

5.2. It might not be wise to listen to them

6. Utilizziamo can't per esprimere che qualcosa non è sicuramente vero

6.1. This can't be my test, I haven't done the third exercise. NOOOO This mustn't be my test

6.2. This must be the test of someone else, I haven't done the third exercise