Process of Self Design Learning with the PPC Model

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Process of Self Design Learning with the PPC Model da Mind Map: Process of Self Design Learning with the PPC Model

1. Person

1.1. Creativity

1.2. Critical Reflection

1.3. Enthusiasm

1.4. Life Experience

1.5. Life Satisfaction

1.6. Motivation

1.7. Previous Educatoin

1.8. Resilience

1.9. Self Concept

2. Context

2.1. Culture

2.2. Power

2.3. Learning environment

2.4. Finances

2.5. Gender

2.6. Learning Climate

2.7. Organizational Policies

2.8. Political Milieu

2.9. Race

2.10. Sexual Orientation

3. Process

3.1. Facilitation

3.2. Learning Skills

3.3. Learning Styles

3.4. Planning

3.5. Organizing

3.6. Evaluating Abilities

3.7. Teaching Styles

3.8. Technological Skills