WHOLE PART-WHOLE METHOD: is a observation of good training practices.

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WHOLE PART-WHOLE METHOD: is a observation of good training practices. da Mind Map: WHOLE PART-WHOLE METHOD: is a observation of good training practices.

1. Systematic desgin framework

1.1. Prepare the learner for instructional events to follow.

1.2. Makes schemata (eat, play, ride, visit, etc.

1.3. Each segment is a lesson

1.4. Each part can be classified as a whole or a part

1.5. Mental Scaffolding.

2. WH

3. First Whole: New content, absorbs concepts, provide motivation. Is a Mental Scaffolding.

3.1. Advance Organizers (Ausubel)

3.1.1. Help students learn and retrieve information.

3.1.2. Makes learning meaninful and familair.

3.2. Motivatin the Learner

3.2.1. Learning objectives.

3.2.2. Capitalizing internal desire for a goal

3.2.3. Goal oriented

4. Second Whole: links individual parts together.

4.1. Is the major component

4.2. Links individual parts together

4.3. Provides learner with a sense of confort.

4.4. Complete understanding of the content.

4.5. Provides the learner with complete understanding of contents

4.6. Transfers information to long-term memory