Capitalism - an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are control...

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Capitalism - an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state da Mind Map: Capitalism - an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state

1. Work - allows for inequality, allows for the most productive workers to see the rewards for being more productive

1.1. Enterprises - a unit of economic organization

1.2. Associations - a connection or cooperative link between people or organizations

1.3. Communities

1.4. "Not for profit"

1.5. Anti-utilitarianism - the criticism of utilitarianism movements

2. Economy - economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately or corporately owned

2.1. Public money creation

2.2. Citizens control banks

2.3. Global tax on wealth

2.4. Movements against income and wealth disparities

3. Citizens - the goal is making social improvements in their lives

3.1. Open data - the idea that some data should be freely available to everyone to use

3.2. Open source - Open source software is code that is designed to be publicly accessible

3.3. Technology and political transparency

3.4. Social media

4. Politics - a type of economic system in which trade and industry are driven by private owners and the individual rather than the government

4.1. Direct Democracy

4.2. Anti-Politics Movements

4.3. Feminism

4.4. Civil Rights Movements

4.5. Common goods

5. Consumption/Production - A cycle of consumption and production results in the increase of goods and services

5.1. Autonomy, self-production - ability to make and enact decisions on their own, free from external influences imposed by other agents

5.2. Citizens reopening means of production

5.3. Zero carbon - no carbon emissions are being produced from a product/service

5.4. Energy savings

5.5. Transports

5.6. Local farming

5.7. De-growth - an economic situation during which the economic wealth produced does not increase or even decrease

6. Conscience - a capitalist believes in free enterprise and a person's ability to gain wealth through intelligence and hard work.

6.1. Slow movements - a deceleration of the pace of modern technological life

6.2. Slow food - promotes local food and traditional cooking

6.3. Meditation

6.4. Anti-ads/anti-movements

6.5. Traditional oriental values