Parenthood in Room by Emma Donoghue

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Parenthood in Room by Emma Donoghue da Mind Map: Parenthood in Room by Emma Donoghue

1. Ma was very overwhelmed on the outside which made her neglect jacks feelings

1.1. Ma was getting very impatient with jack, with helping him out with everyday things

2. Parenting on the outside

2.1. Ma was very overwhelmed on the outside which made her neglect jacks feelings

2.1.1. lack of control Psychologists, Media, Her family(grandma), Dad(his reaction Jack) Jack exploring his independence

3. Ma's identity on the outside

3.1. Breakdown- catalyst interview- effect of voyeurisms/media- criticism of her parenting skills/lack of sympathy

3.1.1. Her exploring her past

4. power of motherhood, ma needed Jack as much as he needed each other, protective nature of son-saviour, redemption- stillbirth (article)

5. Parenting within Room

5.1. ma had to grow up fast to be able to take care of Jack

5.1.1. Ma had to limit what jack watched on TV so he didn't find out about things in the outside world that she couldnt offer him

5.2. trys to give jack a good life living in room

5.2.1. creative trying to keep themselves busy

5.3. eliminates fear

5.3.1. She controls everything in Room and about their day as much as she possibly can.

5.3.2. Old Nick, he has the last say (money)

6. Ma's Identity

6.1. caring

6.2. brave - ma had to grow up fast, she had to take care of herself and jack.

6.3. very creative - came up with ways to keep jack and herself entertained by giving him a job to do and coming up with games.

6.4. in control

6.5. protective - she makes jack sleep in the wardrobe to protect him from old nick.