Christopher Emms

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Christopher Emms da Mind Map: Christopher Emms

1. Personal

1.1. Web Developer - TAMBA

1.2. 23 years old

1.2.1. New node

1.3. 3 brothers

1.3.1. Alex - 20

1.3.2. Mitchel - 19

1.3.3. Dave - 22

1.4. Home

1.4.1. Burntwood Dave - 22

1.4.2. Walsall

1.5. 1 girlfriend - Samantha

2. Education

2.1. Chasetown High School

2.1.1. 8 GCSE'S

2.2. Lichfield College

2.2.1. BTEC National Diploma in I.T Practitioners

2.3. Manchester Metropolitan University

2.3.1. BSc(Hons) in Applied Computing

3. Things I would like to do..

3.1. Drive from one side of America to the other

3.2. Go abroad at least once a year

3.3. Master the art of CSS/HTML/JS

3.4. Drive a Formula 1 car

3.5. Skydive

3.6. Get my dad to put me on his Super7 insurance..

4. Work

4.1. Threshers Ltd

4.1.1. Shop assistant / Supreme stacker

4.2. Allianz Cornhill

4.2.1. Technical Claims Assistant

4.2.2. Created flash animations for training program

4.3. Trigg Brothers

4.3.1. Database administrator New node

4.4. TAMBA

4.4.1. Web developer since October 2011

5. Interests/Hobbies

5.1. Weather

5.1.1. Hurricanes

5.1.2. Torrential Rain

5.1.3. Tornadoes

5.1.4. Snow

5.1.5. Would love to go to Malaysia

5.2. Guitar/Bass/Drums

5.2.1. Learning since 12 y/o

5.3. Formula 1

5.3.1. Going to Spa Francorchamps to see the Grand Prix in September 2012

5.3.2. Watching since I was 10

5.4. Gaming

5.4.1. FPS/RTS games Day Z Battlefield 3 Civ 5

5.5. Currently learning to drive

5.5.1. ...its going well!

5.6. Web design

5.6.1. Learning javascript/Jquery

5.6.2. CSS3

5.6.3. HTML5

5.6.4. Thinking unique/useful ideas and creating websites or web applications out of them

5.7. Skateboarding

5.7.1. Used to skateboard a lot as a teenager

5.7.2. Too old now :(