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بايثون da Mind Map: بايثون

1. Applications

1.1. Web Develoment

1.2. Game Developmeny

1.3. Scientific and Numeric Applications

1.4. Software Development

1.5. AI , ML

2. Data Types

2.1. Sequence Types

2.1.1. list

2.1.2. tuple

2.2. Numeric Types

2.2.1. int

2.2.2. float

2.2.3. complex

2.3. Text Type

2.3.1. str

2.4. Mapping Type

2.4.1. dict

2.5. Set Types

2.5.1. set

2.5.2. frozenset

2.6. Boolean Type

2.6.1. bool

2.7. Binary Types

2.7.1. bytes

2.7.2. bytearray

2.7.3. memoryview

3. Statements

3.1. If...else statement

3.2. Loops

3.2.1. While loop

3.2.2. for loop

4. input and output

4.1. examle = input("Enter example:")

4.2. print("example is: "+ example)

5. اكرم مسعد محمد موسي - سكشن ٤

6. أمنية عامر محمد - سكشن ٤

7. أمنية اشرف عبد العال - سكشن ٤

8. Features

8.1. Easy to code

8.2. Free and Open Source

8.3. Object-Oriented

8.4. GUI Programming Support

8.5. High-Level Language

8.6. Integrated language

8.7. Dynamically Typed Language

9. Operators

9.1. Arithmetic Operators

9.1.1. +

9.1.2. -

9.1.3. /

9.1.4. *

9.2. Assignment Operators

9.2.1. =

9.2.2. +=

9.2.3. -=

9.2.4. *=

9.2.5. /=

9.2.6. %=

9.3. Comparison Operators

9.3.1. ==

9.3.2. !=

9.3.3. > , >=

9.3.4. < , <=

9.4. Logical Operators

9.4.1. and

9.4.2. or

9.4.3. not

10. Some Keyords

10.1. and

10.2. class

10.3. break

10.4. range

10.5. as

10.6. def

10.7. finally

10.8. import

10.9. pass

10.10. yield