Entrepreneurship and practice of tech innovation

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Entrepreneurship and practice of tech innovation da Mind Map: Entrepreneurship and practice of tech innovation

1. Case study: Sam and his business, numerous interviews, involved in the tech start-up world. Already running a business, was involved in Kopa Kopa, then setting up his own side business

1.1. Side interview with network connection, person who can connect to investors

1.2. Experience of attending a pitch, connection with Indian investment group seeking to practice with Kenyan groups.

1.2.1. In Sam's case, these offers often fall through and are too good to be true with offers.

1.2.2. Covid responses to investment, which dried up when people were uncertain of what would happen in Kenya

2. Ideas of labels, culture, and image which are maintained and need to be performed in seeking investment

2.1. Racial bias to show

2.2. The need to NOT use innovation hubs if you're a serious business looking for serious investment

2.2.1. Questioning of the innovation hub as a useful area for innovators, or is it just an empty space?

3. Race in entrepreneurship, how different groups navigate the process of starting a new business

3.1. Innovation hub spaces separation

3.2. Thematic conferences/gatherings

3.3. No distinct case study available of Indian entrepreneur, but aware of how family networks mobilised to start up a business.

3.4. The need to have a 'muzungu' on the leadership team to show that the company is credible and not run only by Kenyans

3.4.1. F (Asian respondent) also confirmed this by saying that she would only hire particular types of races for particular jobs in her business.

3.5. Possible reflection on the Chinese presence and dismissal from Kenyans as well as Kenyan Asians. Work just backgrounded rather than connected to the tech vision.

3.5.1. Tech ideals closer connected to reproducing silicon valley

4. Fintech types

4.1. Cryptocurrency culture and the initial push for bitcoin systems in 2015-2016, quick fizzle out

4.1.1. Discussions on bitcoin locally completey at odds with the discussions which aimed the utopic money usage at Kenya.

4.1.2. Bitsoko, Bitpesa examples and what happened to them

4.2. Financial platforms such as new banks from very wealthy Indian groups in Kenya. History of Indian owned banks collapsing.

4.2.1. Trust bank

4.2.2. Imperial bank

5. Incubation culture and spaces

5.1. Nailab example, based in University of Nairobi, aims to connect with computer science program. Contact there who informed me of the general cohort-based incubation they run.

5.1.1. One participant Mary, extreme frustration at the system and how ineffient it is. She mentioned that she was asked to join even though they had many applications. While there were meetings which connected the entrepreneurs with other Cisco labs who were very interested in the project, little by way of actual help and assistance. Just occassional presentations and gatherings.

5.2. Frequent panel discussions

5.2.1. Themes changed from 2015-2020, from ideas like finance and technology use, questioning Kenya's tech culture, towards ideas like inclusivity, gender in tech/business, or data protection. Different perspectives towards things like regulation in data justice discussion.