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Personal Narrative da Mind Map: Personal Narrative

1. Possible Plots Lines

2. Challenge

2.1. Challenge of Mental Health

2.2. Challenge of Fears

2.3. Challenge of social behaviors

2.4. Tangible Challenges

3. Arrival

3.1. Arrival of Pet

3.2. Arrival of an Object

3.3. Arrival of a Person

4. Change

4.1. Change in setting

4.2. Change of people

4.3. Change in Personality

5. Trauma

5.1. Loss of a Loved One

5.2. Major Life Experiences

5.3. Minor influencing Events

6. Elements

7. Tense

7.1. Past Tense

7.2. Present Tense

7.3. Future Tense

8. Point of View

8.1. First Person

8.2. Second Person

8.3. Third Person

9. Mood/Tone

10. Themes

11. Structure

12. Plot Delevopment

13. Character Understanding

14. Denouement