The Evolution of the book

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The Evolution of the book da Mind Map: The Evolution of the book

1. More than 2000 years ago, China invented paper as a writing surface, which was itself predated by Egyptian papyrus.

2. Eventually, the popularity of paper spread throughout Europe, replacing parchment for most printings because it was less expensive in bulk.

3. Something had to hold all this together, and until the late 15th century, covers consisted of either wood, or sheets of paper pasted together.

4. The flat form made the books easier to read by allowing the book to rest easily on a table. But those spines were damaged easily from the stresses of normal use.

5. The skeleton of the book is paper, type, and cover.

6. More than 2000 years ago, China invented paper as a writing surface, which was itself predated by Egyptian papyrus.

7. These would eventually be replaced by rope fiber millboard, originally intended for high quality bindings in the late 17th century, but later as a less expensive option. Initially, they were not considered aesthetically important, and the earliest ones were flat, rather than rounded.