The Beginnings of Digital Culture

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The Beginnings of Digital Culture da Mind Map: The Beginnings of Digital Culture

1. Alan Turing

1.1. Universal machine treats difference as equal and interchangeable/ABSTRACTION

1.1.1. Difference Engine/ Charles Babbage prototypes of modern computers Manipulation of Symbols is how computing would later develop

1.2. automated the idea of the assembly line/simple task distributed among many mechanical or human beings

1.2.1. New node New node New node

2. War Technology

2.1. The general dematerialization of signs led to anxiety about language and meaning / giving birth to a literary genre about decoding cyrptic signs

2.1.1. Subjects are codes/examination and documentation also homogenization of even "individual" features/social control visible units of data Hollerith's tabulating machine first direct ancestor of modern computer/ creating a tie that binds amongst survelliance, control and discipline. info can be tabulated sorted and counted and cross tabulated panoptic society

2.1.2. Alan Turing paid for cryptography - science of decoding and encoding messeges Due to his work and others the field of electronics solved the problem of mechanical components. Store data internally and electronically 1st computer Manchester MK1 1948

3. Capitalism

3.1. Typewriter standardizes and mechanizes language

3.1.1. ability to circulate as a sign Joseph Marie Jacquard's pattern weaving machine 1804 False idea that capitalism is a self-regulating machine, that with less interference will lead to commodities finding their correct value

3.2. DIVISION OF LABOR/Individual action is (repeatable, interchangeable, unit

3.2.1. easy to understand and control reduce cost/embody labor in capital assembly line / Adam Smith Wealth of nations