Climbing to the Top

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Climbing to the Top da Mind Map: Climbing to the Top

1. 10 Words Opposite

1.1. Falling

1.2. Decline

1.3. Slipping

1.4. Losing Focus

1.5. Not quite getting there

1.6. No direction but down

1.7. Content to imperfection

1.8. Fast and imperfect

1.9. Clawing down

1.10. Shying away from the challenge

2. Graphic Designs

2.1. Stairs

2.2. Typography used to indicate rising

3. Folios

3.1. Page numbers will have stairs beside it.

4. Divider 1

5. Divider 2

6. 20 Words

6.1. Clawing our way up

6.1.1. New node

6.2. Clawing to the top

6.3. Clawing forward

6.3.1. New node

6.4. Reaching for the top

6.5. King of the Hill

6.6. Clawing Slowly

6.7. Slow and Steady

6.8. Clawing for perfection

6.9. Reaching for the goal

6.10. Clawing our way out

6.11. City on a Hill

6.12. No direction but up

6.13. Shredding the competition

6.14. Scratching

6.15. Up

6.16. Clawing

6.17. Biting

6.18. Tearing

6.19. Up, up and Away

6.20. Rising to the Challenge

7. Unique to Grace

7.1. Tiger

7.2. Rising to Challenges that we have to face

7.3. Working our hardest

7.4. Striving for Perfection

8. Thematic Elements

8.1. Pictures that are showing rising to the top or action going on.

8.2. Rising

9. Application to General Areas

9.1. Sports- We are trying to raise up and beat opponent and perfect our teams.

9.2. Academics- Rising to the challenge and the hardships of each class.

9.3. Student life- Getting to know your school mates and learning from them and growing all the time. Also in spiritual way, getting to know God better and better and growing.

10. Cover