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Travelling da Mind Map: Travelling

1. by train

1.1. fast train

1.2. through train

1.3. to change trains

1.4. railway station

2. by plane

2.1. on board the plane

2.2. business class

2.3. tourist class

2.4. airport

3. by bus

3.1. to get on the bus

3.2. to get off the bus

3.3. coach station

4. By car

4.1. to get into a car

4.2. to get out of the car

5. journey

6. trip

7. on foot

8. by boat

8.1. port

9. by sea

9.1. on board the ship

10. Luggage

11. voyage

12. ticket

12.1. single

12.2. return

12.3. cheap

12.4. expensive

13. to arrive in a city/country at a port/a station