anticoags: factor Xa inhibitor

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anticoags: factor Xa inhibitor da Mind Map: anticoags: factor Xa inhibitor

1. apixaban

1.1. stroke prevention in afivb; post op hip/knee replacement VTWE prevention

1.2. rapid acting

1.3. AE: some drug interactions

1.4. CI: caution in liver pts

2. edoxaban

2.1. thromboembolism prevention in nonvalvular afib pts

3. betrixaban

3.1. rapid onset; longest half life

3.2. AE: epidural or spinal hematomas may occur in pts treated w/ betrixaban and other direct anticoags who are receiving neuraxial anesthesia or undergoing spinal puncture

4. MOA: inhibits factor Xa ->

4.1. cannot convert prothrombin into thrombin

5. rivaroxaban

5.1. prevents thrombosis after hip or knee replacement; prevention of stroke in pts w/afib; no need to monitor coag labs;

5.2. fast onset

5.3. AE: bleeding

5.4. CI: ALL factor Xa inhibitors are not to be used with mechanical heart valves -> use warfarin instead

6. reverse agent for factor Xa inhibitors (life threatening uncontrolled bleeding) = andexxa (factor Xa)