Welcome to our world

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Welcome to our world da Mind Map: Welcome to our world

1. Kenya

1.1. 1. Present Simple

1.1.1. - Each morning he leaves home at 4.30 am in his white Toyota-cracked windscreen.

1.1.2. - On a good day he finds two clients.

1.1.3. - In a typical month he takes home about £140

1.1.4. - She stays at home to look after the kids.

1.1.5. - The weekend is often the only time Boniface sees Joyce and Sharon.

1.1.6. - Boniface and his wife, Pauline, live in Ongata Rongai, a small town near the capital, Nairobi.

1.1.7. - I meet new people, so I get some experience of the world.

1.1.8. - He gives the same amount to his parents.

1.1.9. - Joyce wants to be a doctor.

1.2. 2. Past Simple

1.2.1. - Boniface and Pauline met in 1994: 'We liked each other immediately.

1.2.2. - I learned that Pauline was from the country, I was pleased.

1.2.3. - They married in 1995 and at first they lived in a slum, and often didn't have a lot to eat, just sukuma wiki (a green vegetable).

1.2.4. - Then, in 1996, Boniface won £60 in a cycle race.

1.2.5. - The money helped them move house to a better area.

1.2.6. - Beniface could become a taxi driver.

1.3. 3. Present Perfect

1.3.1. - I have never been outside Kenya.

2. China

2.1. 1. Present Simple

2.1.1. - My brothers and their families come to visit most weekends.

2.1.2. - My father lives here so this is the headquarters of the family.

2.2. 2. Past Simple

2.2.1. - Liu grew up as one of five children.

2.3. 3. Present Perfect

2.3.1. - Qu and Liu have known each other since childhood.

2.3.2. - The family have lived in their house in central Beijing for 70 years.

2.3.3. - Tens of thousands of alleyways have been knocked down in the past few years.

2.3.4. - They are sad that their daughter has grown up alone.

2.3.5. - I always wanted to have two children.