SWOT Analysis

Create a Competitive Analysis / SWOT to position your company in the market

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SWOT Analysis da Mind Map: SWOT Analysis

1. Strengths

1.1. What are the strengths of your company?

1.2. What do other companies see as your strengths?

1.3. .

1.4. .

1.5. .

1.6. .

1.7. .

1.8. .

1.9. .

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1.11. a

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2. Opportunities

2.1. Interesting trends in your niche?

2.2. What are the best opportunities?

2.3. .

2.4. .

2.5. .

2.6. .

2.7. .

2.8. .

2.9. .

2.10. .

2.11. a

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3. Weaknesses

3.1. Areas you should avoid?

3.2. What are some weaknesses seen by other companies?

3.3. .

3.4. .

3.5. .

3.6. .

3.7. .

3.8. .

3.9. .

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4. Threats

4.1. Is there any outstanding debt or large loan?

4.2. What is your competition doing?

4.3. .

4.4. .

4.5. .

4.6. .

4.7. .

4.8. .

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