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Household da Mind Map: Household

1. Appliences

1.1. blender

1.2. breadmaker

1.3. coffee grinder

1.4. coffee maker

1.5. elctric frypan

1.6. food processor

1.7. health grill

1.8. hot plate, hob

1.9. juicer

1.10. kitchen scales

1.11. mixer

1.12. popcorn maker

1.13. rice cooker

1.14. sandwich press

1.15. steamer

1.16. stick blender

1.17. toaster

1.18. waffle maker

1.19. water filter

2. Words with explanations

2.1. juicer-appliance for extracting juice from fruits

2.2. oven-chamber or enclosed compartment usually use to cook in, as in a stove

2.3. shaver-one that shaves; a device used in shaving

3. Chores

3.1. clean

3.2. cook

3.3. do the ironing

3.4. do the washing

3.5. dry up

3.6. hang out the washing

3.7. make the bed

3.8. mow the lawn

3.9. sweep the floor

3.10. take out the rubbish

3.11. tidy up

3.12. vacuum

3.13. wash the floor

3.14. wash up

4. Rooms

4.1. kitchen

4.2. bedroom

4.3. living room

4.4. bathroom

4.5. WC

4.6. basement

4.7. pantry

4.8. garage

4.9. boilerhouse

4.10. sauna

4.11. hovel