Europe's early middle ages

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Europe's early middle ages da Mind Map: Europe's early middle ages

1. had good education like franks

2. was attacked by vikings

3. Charlemagne

3.1. came to power in

3.1.1. 786 C.E.

3.2. known as "do nothing" kings

3.3. was a big man

3.4. Christmas day was crowned emperor

3.4.1. 800

3.4.2. crowned by pope Leo III

3.4.3. governed empire at palace Aachen

3.4.4. sent out agents called missi dominici

3.5. created single code of laws

3.6. tried to make life easier for

3.6.1. serfs

3.7. defeated the

3.7.1. saxons made them convert to Christianity or kill them

3.8. improved education

3.9. died at 72

4. vikings

4.1. they "raided" a lot.

4.1.1. they raided because they wanted plunder, place to live, food, power

4.1.2. they raided places like Monasteries, Scotland, Ireland etc.)

4.2. reputation

4.2.1. people thought they were sent by god to punish people

4.3. life among vikings

4.3.1. most were farmers and fishers

4.4. laws

4.4.1. were great law makers

4.5. end of age

4.5.1. ended on the 11th century

4.5.2. people grew stronger

5. anglo-saxons and celts

5.1. they were farmers

5.1.1. but they thought they were warriors

5.2. brought Christianity and learning

5.2.1. St Patrick

5.3. greatest center of learning in Europe

5.4. anglo-saxons had skilled metal workers

5.5. invented great epics such as

5.5.1. "Beowulf"

6. lost to franks

7. on mediterranean

8. attacked franks

9. Mediterranean world

9.1. had everything needed to sustain life

9.2. population grew rapidly towns formed

9.3. Greece and Rome

9.3.1. Greece studied Studied Philospophy

9.4. sea itself was great transportation

9.5. Alexander the Great

9.5.1. conquered many lands

9.6. Greece fell to Rome

9.6.1. 150 B.C.E

10. The Romans

10.1. the Romans admired the achievements of the Greeks

10.1.1. copied and developed Greeks architecture

10.1.2. also built cities, art, public baths, theatres

10.2. the Romans developed a code of laws

10.2.1. all Romans had right to a fair trial.

10.2.2. rescue from Poverty

10.2.3. Roman law protected people from war and outlaws

10.2.4. the Pax romana or Roman peace encouraged trade and and the exchange

10.2.5. Prices had to be paid, Rome demanded taxes, slaves and submission

10.2.6. Women, non-Romans, and slaves were denied the rights of citizenship

10.3. Roman legion was very powerful

10.3.1. They were so powerful they controlled Upper Egypt to the North sea, Most of Europe, south east Asia, northern Africa

10.4. Rome fell

10.4.1. 410 C.E. conquered by goths Germanic people

10.4.2. only eastern Roman empire with capital in Consantinople remained strong

10.5. After the fall

11. The Franks

11.1. Frank meant "free"

11.2. Ruler of the Franks was

11.2.1. Charlemagne

11.3. Royal family rule franks for 300 years

11.3.1. The Merovingians Clovis I Most successful kingdom was divided among children weakened by infighting

11.4. Laws of Franks

11.4.1. had own legal code when written down called Salic code if something stolen, killed, injured etc.) a fine called Wergild

11.5. Life among Franks

11.5.1. had social classes some rich some poor most people Serfs, Peasants