The Family Wins Marketing Funnel

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The Family Wins Marketing Funnel da Mind Map: The Family Wins Marketing Funnel

1. Top of Funnel (Awareness)

1.1. Google Ads (Grant) - Informational Keywords

1.1.1. Blog Based Keywords or More General Keywords - People looking for information or browsing around (They don't know they have a problem so we have to introduce the problem, and some possible solutions). Introduce them to your brand/product.

1.2. Facebook Ads - Prospecting / Traffic Ads (Lookalike Audiences or Interest/Demographic Targeting) - AKA Cold Audience

1.2.1. Targeting cold audiences who don't know TFW yet. Send them to the landing page to give them a free PDF or watch a video and retarget those that watch 50% or more.

1.3. Vision Ads

1.3.1. Display Ads Shown on websites where your audiences browse. These are image ads shown in different sizes/ratios on sites such as, or any other site that your audience visits. The goal is to get them to the landing page and give away the PDF for their email or send them to the website to learn about The Family Wins.

1.3.2. OTT Ads Video ads through streaming platforms like Roku, YouTube TV, Amazon, Sling, etc. These require video ads. They create brand awareness and recognition but depending on the platform shown they don't provide a direct link so you have to show a URL they can go to or a QR code they can use. If shown on Youtube or online, you can provide a link.

1.3.3. Mobile Targeting Geo-target specific states or zip-codes and show them ads on their phone (specific apps they use or websites they browse).

1.4. Google Search (SEO)

1.4.1. Information Keywords These lead to the blog or a page on your site where they get introduced to who your are.

1.5. Social Media

1.5.1. Organic social media. Normal posting of videos. Growing your page likes/followers and getting likes, shares, and comments.

2. Middle of Funnel (Engagement/Subscription)

2.1. Google Ads (Grant) - Transactional Keywords

2.1.1. Product Based Keywords - People Looking for the Product You Sell or Something Like it (They already know they have a problem and that there is a solution out there but they may not know you yet)

2.2. Facebook Ads - Prospecting / Conversion Ads (Lookalike Audiences / Custom Audiences) AKA Warm Audience

2.2.1. Targeting warm audiences who may know TFW or may not but they are in the market for a product similar to what TFW offers. Sending the clicks to the website rather than the landing page so they can see the product and add it to cart.

2.3. Capture Website Visitor's Email Address

2.3.1. 15% Coupon in Exchange for Email

2.3.2. New Tool to Capture 30% of Website Traffic's Email Address with Built in Email Drip Campaign to scrub out non-engagers/bad emails at $0.25-$0.50 per email

2.4. Google Search (SEO)

2.4.1. Transactional Keywords These are keywords related to your product that a user will search for when they are browsing possible solutions to their problem. They are almost ready to purchase and are browsing around.

2.4.2. Branded Keywords These keywords are about your business name or your product name. They already know about you and want to directly visit your site or product page.

2.4.3. Competitor Keywords These keywords are about your competitors. So similar to branded keywords but they may not know about you. If it's a crowded industry this is an easy way to capture traffic from your competitors marketing budget.

3. Bottom of Funnel (Conversion)

3.1. Facebook Ads - Retargeting Website Visitors + Non-Purchasers

3.1.1. Showing an ad to overcome any final objections whether that be a trust issue (show legitimate reviews), a price issue (provider a small discount for a limited time - 24 hours), or just plain forgot to buy. Send them back to the product page to purchase.

3.2. Email Drip Campaign

3.2.1. Once they give us their email address the goal of the drip campaign is to slowly guide the user through a 3-5 email campaign to overcome the objections mentioned for the Facebook ads but via emails and then get them to purchase.

4. After Conversion (Excite/Ascend/Advocate)

4.1. Email After their Purchase

4.1.1. 2-3 weeks after they receive the book or use the product (can be changed through a/b testing to find the best timeframe for this). This email is to ask the user how they are doing with the product/app/book. Ask if they have any questions or comments, provide some useful tips that may help (if these are key tips they should be included in the order receipt email so they get those immediately). And then ask for a review with a link to where they can leave a review.