Learning Theories

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Learning Theories da Mind Map: Learning Theories

1. Cognitive Load Theory

1.1. is a subset of Cognitvist theory

1.2. Based on working memory, long term memory, and schemas

1.3. Working memory can typically handle about 7 pieces of information at a time

1.4. Three types of cognitive load (extrenous, germane, intrinsic)

2. Connectivism

2.1. A learning theory developed in response to the rapid onset of technology and the accessibility of new information.

2.2. Due to how quickly new information arises, professionals must constantly be learning and developing their knowledge to stay current.

2.3. The knowledge must be stored in networks or databases as there is too much available for one mind to retain. The ability to navigate these databases becomes almost more important than having the knowledge itself.

2.4. By establishing connections with other professionals and networks, the student will be able to access a wealth of knowledge that may not be accessible without the connections that are made.

3. Constructivism

3.1. . Personal experience has a significant effect on learning

3.2. Knowledge is constructed by learner.

3.3. . Learning consists of both individual and social processes.

3.4. Learning occurs as a result of cognitive equilibrium

4. Technology Theories

4.1. Social Construction of Technology (SCOT)

4.1.1. Principles Technology is created by humans. SCOT is used as a methodology to analyse technological success and failures. Technology has cullturally based meanings. Social groups of technology are the people who produce it and use it. Technology is designed in different ways in different communities to solve different problems. Technology is not static.

5. Media Ecology

5.1. Definition

5.1.1. Study of media environments Examples are the internet, audio-visual texts, TV and communication tools, symbol system and written language. Implication: Teach students to be citizens in technological environments. It is the study of media as environment Technology has strong influences in society Sees humans as affected by technology Media ecology association