Depth of Field

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Depth of Field da Mind Map: Depth of Field

1. Circle of Confusion

1.1. define how much a point needs to be blurred in order to be perceived as unsharp.

1.1.1. outside the depth of field, no longer 'sharp'

1.2. When can we see it?

1.2.1. Camera manufacturers use the 0.01 inch standard when providing lens depth of field markers

1.2.2. Depends on print size and viewing distance

1.3. depth of field only sets a maximum value for the circle of confusion

1.3.1. Out of field: "bokeh"

2. Controlling DOF

2.1. Size of circle of Confusion

2.1.1. two main factors: aperture and focal distance

2.2. Larger apertures and closer focusing distances: shallower depth of field

3. Focal Length and DOF

3.1. Telephoto lenses: shallower depth of field

3.2. total depth of field is constant with focal length

3.3. Longer focal lengths may appear to have shallower depth of field

3.3.1. enlarges the background relative to the foreground

4. Depth of Focus and Aperture Visualization

4.1. Depth focus: the distance over which light is focused at the camera's sensor

5. range of distance that appears acceptably sharp

6. varies depending on camera type, aperture and focusing distance

7. occurs as a gradual transition