Laughter out of place

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Laughter out of place da Mind Map: Laughter out of place

1. Very little time with family

1.1. KPI's

2. Race

2.1. Race is a very sensitive subject

2.2. Mulata Represents national race and sexuality. Correlates with pornographic websites

2.3. Lighter skinned individuals are more likely to suceed than darker individuals

2.4. Some believe that seducing white man is a way to get ahead in life

2.5. Lower class is considered black and upper is cosidered white.

2.6. Race plays a significant role on everyday life to each person

3. Vocabulary

3.1. Faxineira- Heavy duty day cleaner

3.2. Baba- Nanny

3.3. Barraco- shack

3.3.1. Included

3.3.2. Excluded

3.4. Orelhao- pay phone

3.5. bon papo- good conversation

4. Upper and Middle class

4.1. Look down upon domestic workers

4.1.1. Project specifications

4.1.2. End User requirements

4.1.3. Action points sign-off

4.2. Show appreciation to there employees

4.2.1. Define actions as necessary

4.3. Mostly poor and rich, very little middle class

5. Domestic Workers

5.1. Also known as enpregado

5.1.1. Associated with darker skin women

5.2. Make very little money to eat

5.3. Traveled long distances to work

5.3.1. Schedule

5.3.2. Budget