Applying for a Job

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Applying for a Job da Mind Map: Applying for a Job

1. 1. Searching for a Job Online

1.1. Find something in common;

1.2. Focus on your area of expertise;

1.3. List your previous employment;

1.4. Create and fill up a user profile;

1.5. Filter your search info;

1.6. In-Class Activity;

2. Introduction

2.1. Who are we?

2.1.1. Students at PU "Paisii Hilendarski"

2.1.2. Viktor Atanassov

2.1.3. Polina Zhelyazkova

2.1.4. Plamena Rabadjiiska

2.1.5. Margarita Krushkova

3. 2. How to Write a Successful CV

3.1. What does “CV” abbreviation stand for?

3.2. In which cases should we use CV?

3.3. What to include in our CV?

3.3.1. Personal details section;

3.3.2. Education and qualifications;

3.3.3. Career history;

3.3.4. Interests and achievements;

3.3.5. Skills;

3.3.6. References;

3.4. Tips

3.5. Europass

3.6. Conclusion

4. 4. How to Behave During a Job Interview?

4.1. Be Prepared

4.1.1. Make researches

4.1.2. Practice

4.1.3. Dress appropriately

4.2. How to act at the interview?

4.2.1. Things to do.

4.2.2. Things not to do.

5. 3. How to Write a Cover Letter

5.1. What is a cover letter?

5.2. What to include?

5.3. Model/Design of the cover letter.

5.3.1. Beginning Salutation

5.3.2. Body

5.3.3. Ending

5.3.4. Closing the Letter

5.4. More tips.

6. Thank You for Your Attention!