Bullying in the Workplace

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Bullying in the Workplace da Mind Map: Bullying in the Workplace

1. My Opinion

1.1. Bullying in any type of way is wrong completely. Though, something that has been going on forever like bullying will never be put to rest because everybody does it. Whether people say their against it or not some way or another its being done.

2. Explaining Bullying in the Workplace

2.1. In this video example the "Boss" is bullying her secretary in a calm manner.

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2.2. If you analyze the video the secretary played by Anne Hathaway is just standing there as the Boss just kills her with her words to put her down as a person.

2.3. While the boss was criticizing Anne she could have been getting more work done. so why is she wasting her time. So therefore, bullying a employee requires the workers on missing out on work that needs to be done.

3. Youtube

3.1. For more information on Workplace bullying head over to youtube for videos.

4. Facts

4.1. Bullying at work can be done verbally, mentally, ad physically. Employees can harass an employee that they simply don't "click" with or simply don't have anything in common with.