Validity and Reliability

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Validity and Reliability da Mind Map: Validity and Reliability

1. Evidence Based Validity

1.1. Content based

1.2. Criterion Related

1.3. Concurrent Criterion

1.4. Predictive validity

1.5. Construction of Validity

2. Goal

2.1. Demonstrate Measurements for Validity

2.2. Establish Series of Questions and correlating answers.

2.3. The proposed measurement for testing validity

2.4. Method of Estimation

2.5. Maintain the same rank for everyone

3. Validity Coefficients

3.1. Procedures determining test content

3.2. Predictive validity and correlation

3.3. Numerical Coefficients

3.4. Rationale for applying certain principles

4. Content

5. Forms of Measurement

5.1. Tests

5.2. Aptitude Test

5.3. Success or Failure of grade

5.4. Predictive Coefficients

5.5. Expertise

6. Size of Validity

6.1. Group Measurement

6.2. Individual Measurement

7. Things to look out for

7.1. Shift in rank

7.2. Administration procedures

7.3. Correlation and causation

7.4. Experiential changes

8. Adequacy and predictive values