Causes of the Civil Wa

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Causes of the Civil Wa da Mind Map: Causes of the Civil Wa

1. Missouri compromise

1.1. As American began moving west issue of whether or not they should be allowed in the new states forming out west became nd issue Missouri it's addition to the United States threatened to upset the balance between free states and slave states in 1820 senoter Henry's clay persuaded congress to approve the Missouri compromise the Missouri compromise stated Maine was admitted as a free estate Missouri was admitted as a Alsace state

1.2. 1820

1.3. Missouri compromise

2. Wilmot proviso

2.1. New Node

2.2. 1846(

2.3. Since Missouri compromise did not apply large territory ganed from Mexico in 1848 representative David Wilmot of Pennsylvania proposed that congress ban slavvery in all territory's that might become part if the United States as a result of the Mexican American war the proposal passed in the house but failed in senate

3. Free soil party

3.1. Free soil party

3.2. 1852

3.3. It was a political party during the 1852 presidential election held in. Buffalo mew york in the hope that it would stop slavery arguing that men on free soil should be let free

4. Election of Zachary taylor

4.1. In the election of $1848 the controversy over the Wilmot ld to the development of the free soil party democrats nominated senoter Lewis of Michigan the Whigs nominated ver and the free soil party nomimated former democratic president marke senoter cass suggested that the people in each new territory should decide for themselves whether oor not allow slaves Zachary Taylor s hero of the Mexican American war won the election

4.2. 1848

4.3. Election of Zachary taylor

5. The compromise of 1850

5.1. Gold was found in California and thousands moved to the Atea soon the territory had enough peopl to be admitted as a state since it was above Missouri compromise line people felt it would be a free state yet his angered the south and they threatens to leave the union the compromise was by denoted Henry of Kentucky in janurry of 1850 he hoped this compromise would end the debate over slavery forever this proposal produced one of the reagent debates in American political history president Taylor opposed the compromise but died and the new president miller Fillmore supported it. Ingress passes five series of bills in September 1850 that become known as the compromise of 1850 California was admitted to tepee union as a free state slave trade was banned in the nations capital congress declared that it could not regulate the slave trade between Slav e states and popular sovereignty would be used to determine the issue between slave states in the rest of the Mexican cession the south received a new fugitive slave law

5.2. The compromise of 1850

5.3. 1850

6. The fugitive slave act

6.1. Allowed special government officials to arrest any person accused of being a runaway slave suspects had no right to prove in trial that they had been falsely accused all it took was a slave holder or any white witness to swear that the suspect wasa slave holder property the law also required northern citizens to help captive accused runaways if authorities

6.2. ???

6.3. Fugitive slave act

7. Uncle toms cabin

7.1. Written by harriet bearer in 1852 it was a novel about kindly Uncle Tom and ensnarled man who abused by cruel Simon legged the book became a best seller in the north MIT shocked thousands of people so had been unconcerned with slavery before reading the book the book caused people to view slavery as a human moral problem and not just a political issue white southern era wereoutraged

7.2. 1852

7.3. Uncle toms cabin

8. The Kansas Nebraska act

8.1. Kansa Nebraska act

8.2. 1854

8.3. See other Stephen Doug's pushed thought the act in 1854 which led to the nation closer to war he wanted to see a railroad built from Illinoisans through the Nebraska territory to the pacific coast he suggested creating two new territory's. the Kansa territory and the Nebraska territory both were above the Missouri compromise line and would becom free states which upset south utopian win southern support he suggested that the issue of slavey be resolved by Kansas Nebraska this would undo the Missouri compromise

9. Bleeding kansa

9.1. Bleeding Kansa

9.2. 1855

9.3. Both pro and anti ska very settelers flooded to Kansas to try and win the majority thousands of people from Missouri entered Kansas in march. Of 1855 to vote illegal slavery territory legislature Kansas had 3,000 voters but almost 8,000 people voted to accept the results and held another election kansa now had two governments violence broke out in April a proslavery sheriff was shot when he tried to arrest some antislavery settlers in the town of Lawrence he returned the next month with 800 men and arrest the town three days later John brown an antislavery settled from conneticutnlet seven men to proslavery settlement near photo wanna creek and murdered five proslavery. Men and boys this started wide spread fighting in kansas

10. Bloodshed in the senate

10.1. Bloodshed in the senate

10.2. Charles sumner of Massachusetts was the leading abolitionist senator and made fiery speeches denouncing the proslavery legislature in Kansa in one of his speeches he sighted out Andrew butler who was and elderly senior from south caroling who was not present when he gave his speech a few days later his nephew congressman Preston brooks marched into the senate chamber and beat sumner with a heavy came entail be fell to the floor bloody and unconscious sumner never really recovered from his injuries

11. Republican party

11.1. 1864

11.2. Republican Party

11.3. The Whig party slit in 1854 many northern Whigs formed. A new apolitical party called the Republican their main goal was to stop the spread of slavery into the western territory's their Amit Slav ear strand attracted many northern democrats and free soil,embers the party quickly became very powerful in the first congressional elections held just a few months after the party was created 105 out of 345 candidates were elected to the house of represent democrats also lost control of two northern state legislature two years laterbthebpartyiran it's first candidate John c Trent

12. Election of 1856

12.1. 1856

12.2. Election of 1856

12.3. First republican candidate johns Fremont waged a strong anti slaverybcamoaign and won 11 of the 16 free states democratic John Buchanan won the election

13. Dred Scott vsvsanford case

13.1. Dred Scott vs Sanford

13.2. 1857

13.3. Fred Scott wash and enslaved person who had once been owned by a us army doctor they lived in illionoise and Wisconsin for a short time where slavery was illegal they settlers in Missouri with the help of antislavery lawyer Scott sued for his freedom because he argued that he was free because he had ,iced where slavery was illegal the case reached he Supreme Court the Supreme Court wdelivered it's verdict on march of 1857 three days after president Buchanan took office Chief Justice roger theory wrote the decision for the court because African Americans we de not citizens merely living in a free territory does not make an enslaved person free slaves were property and property rights were protected by the United States constituin the rucking also said that congress did not have the power to protect silvery in any territory thus the Missouri compromise was uncont southerners were happy because slavery was legal bin all territory's northerner were upset because now slavery could spread to the west

14. The Lincoln Douglas debates

14.1. Lincoln Douglas

14.2. 1858

14.3. Lincoln was chosen as the Whigs candidate for senate against senator state shush in 1858 Lincoln Douglas were political and personal rivals Lincoln challenged Douglas to a series harpers ferry thousands gathered to hear them speak newspapers reporters what each man said thrip ought the nation Douglas defended speech and said each state had the right t decide for or against ska very he painted Lincoln as dangers abolitionist who wanted equally for African Americans Lincoln took a stand against the spread of slavery he predicted that slavery would die out of its own but in the meantime Americans had an obilisment to keep it out of the west territories outlaw won the elections but Lincoln was Niven thru out it the nation

15. Jack brown attacks harpers farry

15.1. Jack brown attacks harpers farry

15.2. John brown was driven out of Kansas after the to thank creek massacre and returned to New England he began a plot to free people in the south that were slaved in 1859 brown and small group if supporters attacked the town of harpers ferry Virginia his goal was to take control of the guns that attack the us army had stored there he thought that enclaves African Americans would support him he would give them weapons and led a ever he gained control if the uns but troops commanded by colonial Robert he surrounded browns force before they could escape ten of brown followers were killed brown was wounded and captained at his trial he sat quietly as the court found him guilty of murder and treason he was quilts in Virginia on December 2 1859 many people in the north considered him a hero in southerner were shocked that northerner thought this about a person who tried to led a revenge aging them

15.3. 1859

16. Political parties divide

16.1. Political parties divide

16.2. 1860

16.3. The Republican Party split into two parties durning the election of 1860 because northerner democrats refused slavery in the territory's some southerner a wanted to fix the problems between the north and south and formed the sons lotion union party they wanted tonpretect slavery and keep the nation together

17. Election of 1860

17.1. 1860

17.2. Republicans chose Abraham l to run for president In 1850 northern democrats nominated Stephen Douglas as their candidate southern democrats chose vice pres John Buchanan of Kentucky the constitution union union nominated John bron of Tennessee the election showed just just had frasman the nation had be one Lincoln won every free state and Breckinridge won all slave states except for four bell won Kentucky Tennessee and virg India Douglas win Missouri Lincoln received 408% of the popular vote but received enough electoralnvotes to win the election and become president

18. Southern states secede

18.1. Southern secede

18.2. 1860

18.3. Fuck this shit !!!!!

19. The confederat states of america

19.1. 1861

19.2. Confederate states if america

19.3. In February of 1861 5the leaders of the shin stated that left the union met Montgomery Alabama to form a new Nash that they confederates states if America by the time Lincoln took office in march they had written a constitution and named former see other Jeffrey powl president

20. The crittenden plan

20.1. 1861

20.2. The crittenden plan

20.3. A plan devoleped by denotes John j crittenden of Kentucky the compromise with the south one last time it was presented to congress in late February 1861 while the south was forming its new government but did not pas

21. Economy of north and south

21.1. The north was industrial with factories mandolin labor the south was agricultural with large cotton gins and small farms slave labor wa used in the south