Samina's PLN focus: What causes social media resistance? Is it the perception of a ‘dark side’ of...

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Samina's PLN focus: What causes social media resistance? Is it the perception of a ‘dark side’ of social media? Are there distinct social media personality types? da Mind Map: Samina's PLN focus: What causes social media resistance? Is it the perception of a ‘dark side’ of social media? Are there distinct social media personality types?

1. Google Alerts

1.1. The dark side of the internet

1.1.1. PRISM: The dark side of the US government? NSA slides explain the PRISM data-collection program

1.1.2. Living with the dark side of the internet age

1.1.3. From digital diapers to public toilets, are we over-connected? The dark side to 'the Internet of things'

1.1.4. Arizona restaurant becomes poster child for dark side of online customer reviews

1.1.5. Rob Ford, Charbonneau and the dark side of social media

1.1.6. Data breaches: It’s more expensive to react than prevent

1.1.7. The ‘Star Wars Kid’ and the Dark Side of the Internet

1.1.8. Google's deadly web of poison and hatred

1.1.9. Excerpt: Light side, dark side: Hiding in the shadows of technology

1.2. Personalities against social media

1.2.1. No hiding place

1.2.2. 8 Most Annoying Personalities on Social Media

1.3. Critisicms of social media

1.3.1. Critic's Facebook page suspended; cartoonist 'ignores' summonses

1.3.2. Small business advice: Should entrepreneurs respond to harsh criticism via social media?

1.3.3. Ottawa backs using social media to boost Iran's dissidents The fight for and over social media in Iran

1.3.4. New data powers to access email and social media records would stop terrorists, says Philip Hammond

1.3.5. Rob Ford met with growing criticism and support on social media

1.3.6. Air Canada defends charging staff for Disney training

1.3.7. Turkey’s Erdogan takes on protesters… and Twitter Turkey: Twitter, Social Media Become Part of Protests Story

2. Videos

2.1. Amy’s Baking Company unleashes the social-media monster

2.2. Facebook User Types Podcast

2.3. Web 2.0 Suicide Machine Video

2.4. TED Talks - Susan Cain - The Power of Introverts

2.5. Disconnect - the movie

3. Books

3.1. Sherry Turkle

3.1.1. Alone Together

3.1.2. Life On the Screen

3.2. Clay Shirky

3.2.1. Here Comes Everybody

3.3. Damon Brown

3.3.1. Our Virtual Shadow

3.4. Susan Cain

3.4.1. QUIET: The Power of Introverts Take a Quiz -- Are you an Introvert or Extrovert?!

3.5. Raffi Cavoukian

3.5.1. Lightweb Darkweb

4. ..

5. Social Media Personality Type Charts

5.1. 12 types of social media personalities

5.2. 10 Social Media Personality Types – Which One Are You?

5.3. 10 Unique Social Media Personality Types

5.4. The Seven Personality Types on Social Media

5.5. 8 Most Annoying Personalities on Social Media

6. Conclusion: Revisiting my original questions: What causes social media resistance? Is it the perception of a ‘dark side’ of social media? Are there distinct social media personality types? Through the course of this PLN, and the material reviewed in the articles bookmarked via Delicious, searched on Google, items returned via Google Alerts, videos, books & blogs by thought leaders I am following on Twitter, I have come to believe that there is not one single cause that can be pinpointed as the sole reason why sections of the digital population resist social media. Below are my thoughts on the gamut of reasons why this resistance exists. From the material within this PLN, the topic I was able to find the most exhaustive information on is indeed the “dark side of the internet”, which can be extrapolated to the dark side of social media as we know it today. This dark side renders itself to easy access to “private” information (or at the very least, information not intended for the world en mass) – whether it is via prowling on Facebook where privacy settings are a moving target, stalking by governments on your “private” phone conversations, texts, emails. Another vastly concerning “dark” component of the virtual world as we know it, is our ever increasing dependence on it for love & life, that it may very well be skewing our perceptions of the “real” world (see node Alone Together by Sherry Turkle). I suspect that for a lot of possibly-risk-averse or cautious individuals (some may call them paranoid!), or people that have been ‘burned’ previously or witnessed others falling victim to virtual foul play - these fears, these spoken or unspoken risks of being “stalked”, bullied, reprimanded by peers, family, even governments, or the possibility of becoming “addicted” to a form of virtual drug becomes a deciding factor when choosing to ‘opt-out’, as much as possible, of leaving behind a social media footprint. On the flip side of the coin, there is also a compelling argument to be made about the “bright” side of the Internet, and with it, social media. From other material linked within this PLN, it is exhilarating to note that some powerful outcomes are emerging from the use, general powerfulness, and overwhelming greatness of social media platforms. Just in the very recent past, we have seen the power of social media – such as exposing the uglier side of governing – in the US, Turkey, Iran. As Clay Shirky says in Here Comes Everybody, what’s different about technology now is that it allows the formation of groups much more easily than ever before, with fewer transaction costs than ever before, with unprecedented reach of both bonding & bridging social capital. I believe that this very power will continue to generate more “good” (alongside the “bad” that is unquestionably there), rendering fewer and fewer “resistors” of social media within the next decade or so. In this time, I see social media awareness reaching a state of domestication and from it will come a generation of better informed users of social media who will click, post, tweet wiser, and generally make safer online choices. For the time being, however, there still remain a significant number of people who actively resist social media. Via Google searches and alerts, I can see that a number of people have been interested in developing charts based on the different personality types that exist in today’s social media. These range from people obsessed with documenting every possible moment of their lives on social media (some charts call this type the Social Athlete, others call them The Ultras) to those to do not volunteer information about themselves on social media, rather they surreptitiously go from wall to wall, tweet to tweet, stalking others (Social Lurkers). What I did not find a lot of information on is an area I would like to explore further – this is whether there is a spectrum of personality traits that make generally social individuals act one way in “real” life, and in quite another in there “virtual” life on social media. To turn this into a serious study, individuals trained in different fields will need to work together. While that is not within the scope of this PLN, I would like to suggest a preliminary series of questions I believe would be an essential first step in such a study of this dichotomy. I would categorize individuals based on their responses to these 10 questions: 1. Do you prefer face-to-face interactions or those over the Internet? (Y/N) 2. Do you behave differently in face-to-face interactions versus online ones? (Y/N) 3. How sociable would you rate yourself as in “real life” versus “virtual life”? On a scale of 1-10 (10 being you are a social magnet). 4. How interested are you in being outgoing in your “virtual life” versus “real life”? On a scale of 1-10, (10 being you cannot imagine life otherwise). 5. How comfortable are you sharing personal details of your life face-to-face with people in your inner circle? (On a scale of 1-10, 10 being “I don’t spare my friends of a single detail of a single hour of my life”). 6. Are you just as comfortable sharing the same personal details with the same inner circle members on a social media platform? (On a scale of 1-10, 10 being “Of course, what’s the difference, anyway?!”). 7. Do you ever worry that “your” data online is not really “yours”? (Y/N) 8. If so, would this worry prevent you from using certain forms of social media? (Y/N) 9. Do you think your clicks are being monitored? (Y/N) 10. If so, is this a deterrent for you in using certain forms of social media? (Y/N) I believe these questions can be useful in developing a ‘social media resistance personality test’, where responses to the questions can help categorize individuals within a spectrum ranging from ‘Total Resistor’ to ‘Quasi Resistor’ to ‘Non Resistor’ of Social Media. Thank you for your time!

7. Twitter

7.1. Following:

7.1.1. Sherry Turkle

7.1.2. Damon Brown

7.1.3. Clay Shirky

7.1.4. Chris Anderson

7.1.5. David Warlick

7.1.6. Chris Street

7.1.7. Howard Rheingold

7.1.8. Susan Cain

7.1.9. Raffi Cavoukian

8. Blogs

8.1. Damon Brown - TED Blog

8.2. Clay Shirky Blog

8.3. Places we don’t want to go: Sherry Turkle at TED2012

8.4. Phil Simon Blog

8.4.1. Big Data & Privacy What The Hell is... Big Data? Big Data: What Does It Really Mean?

9. Delicious

9.1. Anti-Social Media: A Rising Rebellion Against Web 2.0?

9.1.1. Web 2.0 Suicide Machine Web 2.0 Suicide Machine Cease & Desist letter from Facebook

9.1.2. To Deal With Obsession, Some Defriend Facebook

9.2. In Defense of Social Media (At Least Some Of It)

9.2.1. Calling Bullshit on Social Media

9.3. IBM: Companies slow to take on social media

9.4. Still Resisting Social Media for Your Business?

9.5. The Anti-Social-Network Social Network

9.5.1. By/Association

10. Links to Jen & Sean's PLNs

10.1. Jen

10.2. Sean

11. Welcome to Samina's Personal Learning Network (PLN) Topic: “Social Media: The Dark Side & Why People Resist It”. Media – social or not, is changing around us rapidly. A staggering number of people have whole heartedly embraced the culture of digital citizenship maximization via social media, however, individuals around us also come from the opposite end of the digital spectrum who obsess about minimizing their virtual footprint within the context of social media. What causes this ‘resistance’ to social media? Is it the perception of a ‘dark side’ of the Internet? Are individuals predisposed to resisting social media based on personality traits? These are the questions I would like to explore in my PLN, since the dichotomy of otherwise social people who resist social media is puzzling to me on a personal level - I consider myself a social personal who resists, as much as possible, having more of a social media presence than is absolutely necessary. Odd? Yes, I think so. Am I alone in this state of ‘split personality’? No, I don’t think so. Let us explore! Tools I have used in my PLN: • Twitter to follow thought leaders in the areas of social media usage & impact, and to see who these folks are following, and follow them in turn! • Blogs on related topics & by thought leaders. • Books on various topics touching upon the questions I’m exploring. • Movies on social media, its uses & abuses. • Social bookmarking site Delicious to bookmark interesting articles on my area of interest. • Google Alerts on the negative sides of the Internet, social media personalities. While this PLN was created for my COMM 503 class, I expect it will keep growing in months to come! Some notes for you before you explore my PLN: • Please view the mindmap in Presentation mode by clicking the slideshow button. • In most nodes, I have added a Note with highlights of the material, my impression of it. Hold mouse over the Note symbol on the node for over a second to view it. Notes with a scroll bar may need to be clicked on outside of Presentation mode to in their entirety, as I have found the scroll bar on notes doesn’t work consistently. • Feel free to explore the individual links on every node to read/view the original material in its entirety, either during the slideshow or in regular View mode. I have attempted to link the different nodes that overlap in content or authorship – you will see a lot of connectors! Follow them through in View mode once you have seen the Presentation – for me personally, it was truly amazing to see how these topics are so intricately webbed (pun intended)! • I offer a synopsis of my findings at the end of the slideshow, as well as ideas I feel would be useful for further research on the topic. • All images used in my PLN have the original sources linked in the same node as the images. Thanks for stopping by =)