Ultimate Guide to A/B Testing

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Ultimate Guide to A/B Testing da Mind Map: Ultimate Guide to A/B Testing

1. Things to test

1.1. Common elements that are tested are: - The call to action’s (i.e. the button’s) wording, size, color and placement, - Headline or product description, - Form’s length and types of fields, - Layout and style of website, - Product pricing and promotional offers, - Images on landing and product pages, - Amount of text on the page (short vs. long).

2. Tools for A/B Testing

2.1. - Google Website Optimizer - A/Bingo and Vanity - Visual Website Optimizer - Unbounce and Performable - Vertster, SiteSpect, Webtrends Optimize and Omniture’s Test&Target

3. What is it?

3.1. Two versions of an element and a metric that defines success.

3.2. Which is better? Subject both versions to experimentation simultaneously. Which version was more successful and select that version.

4. Do's and Don'ts

4.1. Don'ts

4.1.1. - Don’t let your gut feeling overrule test results

4.1.2. - Don’t surprise regular visitors

4.1.3. - When doing A/B testing, never ever wait to test the variation until after you’ve tested the control

4.1.4. - Don’t conclude too early.

4.2. Do's

4.2.1. - Do many A/B tests

4.2.2. - Make your A/B test consistent across the whole website

4.2.3. - Show repeat visitors the same variations

4.2.4. - Know how long to run a test before giving up

5. Purpose

5.1. Gain insights to Visitor's behavior

5.2. Increase Conversation Rate