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TEDxTheHague2012 da Mind Map: TEDxTheHague2012

1. Core Team

1.1. Ralph

1.2. Yolanthe

1.3. Exec Director

1.4. Exec Producer

1.5. Dir. Operations

2. venue

2.1. Chizone

2.2. Theater a/h Spui

2.3. New node

2.4. New node

2.5. New node

3. connecting guests

3.1. Welcome Ice breaker

3.2. Coffee break

3.3. Lunch

3.4. Tea break

4. speakers (10)

4.1. New node

4.2. New node

4.3. New node

4.4. New node

4.5. New node

4.6. New node

4.7. New node

4.8. New node

4.9. New node

4.10. New node

5. catering

5.1. registration

5.2. coffee break

5.3. lunch

5.4. tea break

5.5. crew dinner

5.6. reception treats

5.7. coffee & tea & water throughout the day

6. entertainment

6.1. intermezzo 1

6.2. intermezzo 2

6.3. reception/party

7. theme

7.1. Freedom

7.2. Pleasure

7.3. Love

8. volunteers

8.1. website

8.2. registration

8.3. hospitality

8.4. set-up & clean-up

8.5. PR

8.6. Social Media

9. stichting

9.1. President

9.2. Secretary

9.3. Treasurer

9.4. Notaris

9.5. Budget

10. video production

10.1. pre-production

10.1.1. # of crew

10.2. event

10.2.1. speakers

10.2.2. impressions

10.2.3. interviews

10.3. post=production

10.3.1. leaders

10.3.2. uploading TED channel

10.3.3. non-ted videos for Dutch market

10.4. promo video?

11. advisory board

11.1. Municipality

11.2. MInisteries

11.3. Peace Palace

11.4. University

11.5. Bank

11.6. Company 1

11.7. Company 2

12. partners/sponsors

12.1. venue

12.2. light - sound - image

12.3. video

12.4. catering

12.5. hotel & travel speakers

12.6. coaching & preparation speakers

13. budget

14. after care

14.1. Thank you speakers

14.2. Thank you sponsors

14.3. Evaluations guests

14.4. Evaluations crew

14.5. Evaluations volunteers

14.6. Evaluations TEDx

15. stage design, sound, light

15.1. set design

15.2. set dressing

15.3. equipment

16. printed stuff

16.1. press kits

16.2. program books

16.3. badges

17. 2011documentation TEDxTheHagueLIVE

17.1. speakers videos

17.2. speakers interviews

17.3. impression video

17.4. photo's

17.5. blog posts

17.6. evaluations

17.7. graphic design booklets, banners, badges

17.8. MindMaps

18. speakers support & services

18.1. speakers coaches

18.2. travel & lodgings

18.3. dinner

19. Dates

19.1. 01/10/12