Solar Business

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Solar Business da Mind Map: Solar Business

1. Background in Sales is required

2. What Is Redline

2.1. Redline is the price watt

2.1.1. Each state have a different redline

3. What state will be our main focus

3.1. California

3.1.1. Fast Installs

3.2. New York

3.2.1. Demand for solar is huge

3.3. Massachussets

3.3.1. Demand for solar is huge

3.4. Illinois

3.4.1. Solar is selling like a piece of hot pancakes

4. The Company Objective

4.1. Empower Solar Reps To Level Up Their Game

4.2. Create a Cult-ure

4.2.1. Culture of Empowerment

4.2.2. Friendship- We all win together

4.2.3. Market Domination

4.2.4. High Level Energy

5. What are some of the roles dealers should implement to operate their business effectively

5.1. Team Leaders

5.2. FB Ads Managers

5.3. Call Center

5.4. Dealers

5.4.1. Regional Managers

5.4.2. Keep learning and implementing new strategies for success

5.4.3. District Managers Assistant Managers Help District Managers Enhance their responsibilities, reports, train and work their way up to become a District Manager Who qualifies for Assistant Managers District Manager Responsibilites Create a Positive environment Hold everyone accountable Train and duplicate sales reps Who qualifies for District Manager

5.4.4. Sales Reps Train Lead Generators Door Knocking Or Referrals

5.4.5. Who qualifies for a Dealer In order for them to qualify for a Solar Dealer Program They need to have sales experience ( Solar Energy Experience is a +) LLC or Business to operate if they're thinking about hiring reps. License to Sale HIS ( Home Improvement License ) Permission to operate in each state they will be doing business. Each Dealer owner will be responsible to do this for themselves. Long Term Commitment

6. How do we help dealers be succesful?

6.1. we outline what is necessary to be successful in this industry

6.1.1. Give them a road map of how a successful dealer program should be operated

6.1.2. The goal is to continue opening more virtual offices nation wide why virtual offices? less cost more freedom more independence less management

6.1.3. Teach them what to do to keep everyone obsess with growing individually and their team.

7. National Sales Trainer

8. What Can They Do

8.1. Sell, Recruit, Train, Build Teams.

9. Where can they do it.

9.1. CT, MA, NH, NJ, NY, RI, VT, AZ, TX, NV, FL, NM,IL,CA.

10. In order to qualify for a sales position

10.1. They need to go over our mentorship program and must finished the program if not they will have to pay us 2K for spending all the time with them.

10.2. Ambitious, Self Driven

10.3. Everything will be virtual so we are doing online meetings to see how everyone is doing

11. How much can they make?

11.1. Anything above the Red Line+Finance Fee. Average house is 3k-5K+

11.1.1. Each market have a different dealer fee. Price is TBD.

11.2. At what point will they make their commision

11.2.1. Depends on the market and installer. It usually is 30% Upfront after a house is signed, inspected by our installers, and final design has been approved by the home owner. Then 70% once is installed.

12. Corporate Roles

12.1. Erick

12.1.1. his role is to continue opening new markets, bring better pricing, installers, products, outlaying the vision to the whole team and keeping everyone excited to be part of the company Aligning himself with other high successful people that can bring value to the company making sure that everything is in order by law in every state we operate

12.2. National Recruiter

12.3. Roberto