G is for Garden (Creation)

Plan your lessons and the goals of your lessons as well as including important content

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G is for Garden (Creation) da Mind Map: G is for Garden (Creation)

1. Art

1.1. Matisse storybook

1.2. Matisse Collage

2. Bible

2.1. Genesis 1:1 Bible Verse

2.2. Creation Story

2.2.1. Youtube Videos

2.2.2. Magnet story telling

2.2.3. Other Bible Versions

2.2.4. Retell the story via collage Need: grass for land, animal stickers, cut outs of people, star stickers, sun/moon cut outs

3. Science

3.1. Lion books

4. Exploration

4.1. Garden pages

4.2. Prewriting

4.3. Color Matching

5. Music

5.1. Hymn: This is My Father's World

5.1.1. Youtube Video

5.2. Children's song: He's Got the Whole World in His Hands

5.2.1. Youtube Video

5.2.2. Little People Track #21

5.3. Composer: Haydn

5.3.1. Biography

5.3.2. Coloring Sheet

5.3.3. Spotify listen to music

6. Language Arts

6.1. Letter: G

6.1.1. Fingerprint flowers (for folder)

6.1.2. Stamping G pages

6.1.3. G is for grass (gluing)

6.2. Storytime

6.2.1. The Tiny Seed Make collage of seeds

6.2.2. Blueberries for Sal Snack of blueberries

6.2.3. Planting a Rainbow Flower collage with torn tissue paper

7. Math

7.1. Color: Green

7.2. Number: 1

7.2.1. Look for things that we have just one of

7.3. Counting Seeds

7.4. Squares

7.4.1. Discuss the difference between a square and a rectangle

7.4.2. Go on a hunt for squares

7.4.3. square collage

7.4.4. square tracing page