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A is for Apple da Mind Map: A is for Apple

1. Art

1.1. Monet

1.1.1. Pictures on computer

1.2. Matisse

1.2.1. Cutting paper

1.2.2. Look at pictures

2. Music

2.1. O Be Careful

2.1.1. Spotify

2.1.2. Youtube

2.2. Nothing but the Blood of Jesus

2.2.1. Youtube

2.2.2. Spotify

2.3. Haydn

2.3.1. Surprise Youtube

2.3.2. Spotify

3. Science

3.1. Apple varieties

3.1.1. Discuss the differences at Food Lion

4. Bible: Adam and Eve

4.1. Youtube Videos

4.2. Children's Bible

4.3. Memory Verse: Romans 3:23

4.4. Genesis 3

5. Math

5.1. Puzzles

5.1.1. Apple number 1-10

5.2. Color

5.2.1. Green

5.2.2. Red

5.3. Circle

5.3.1. "Circle's Round it has no end..."

5.4. Patterns

5.4.1. Apple ABA

5.5. Number

5.5.1. 1

5.5.2. 2

5.6. Sequencing

5.6.1. Apple sizes

6. Language Arts

6.1. Letter A

6.1.1. Videos (YouTube)

6.1.2. Painting

6.1.3. Stamping

6.1.4. Apple Sticker Page Need apple stickers-dollar tree?

6.2. Prewriting

6.2.1. Apple sheets in boards

6.3. Stories

6.3.1. Apple books

7. Life Skills

7.1. Grocery Shopping

7.2. Apple crisp