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Literacy da Mind Map: Literacy

1. Classroom (Library)

1.1. Mobile

1.1.1. Fluid "Meetings" of different project groups

1.1.2. 1:1 Ratio of technological device per student

1.1.3. Ability to "go where needed" to capture and create

1.2. Who is involved?

1.2.1. Parental Volunteers Livestreamed for a few minutes each day to encourage parental viewing, volunteering

2. Processes

2.1. Collaboration among peers and adults (safely)

2.2. Hypotheses

2.3. Research

2.4. Synthesis

2.5. Questions and Answers

2.6. Curiosity Driven

2.6.1. "What if" thinking

2.6.2. "Why is that?"

2.6.3. Who, What, When, Where, Why

2.7. Who can we involve in this project/research?

2.7.1. District, national, international peers?

2.7.2. Parents, community members, business owners?

3. Tools

3.1. Web 2.0

3.1.1. Wikis Blogs Social Media

3.2. "Cloud" composition tools such as Google Drive or Outbox

3.3. Teacher suggested, student directed

4. My Teaching

4.1. Guidance

4.1.1. Suggestions, not directions

4.2. Moving amongst groups

4.3. Presenting first, letting kids experiment and continue to learn in groups

4.4. Enthusiastic

4.4.1. Driven by my own excitement and curiosity

5. Learning

5.1. Driven by literacy

5.2. Communication

5.3. Relationships

5.4. Understanding

5.5. Writing

5.5.1. Expressing Ideas Compellingly (Warlick)

5.6. Reading

5.6.1. Wanting to Read Exposing (Warlick)

6. Students

6.1. District Peers

6.1.1. Area/ Affinity Groups

6.2. National Peers

6.2.1. Stateside

6.3. International Peers

6.3.1. English Speaking

6.3.2. Non-English Speaking

6.4. Students collaborate with other students.

7. Colleagues

7.1. Administration

7.2. Other Teachers

7.3. Staff

7.4. Board of Education-

7.5. Students involve and present ideas/ projects to the above groups and other students.

8. Community

8.1. Parents

8.2. Business Owners

8.3. Community Leaders

8.4. This group of adults would be involved with mentoring, helping, and providing information.